Life in the Slow Lane: A Shaggy Dog Tale.(BFS Prompt #7)

Wednesday 30 March 2011

A Shaggy Dog Tale.(BFS Prompt #7)

This little bundle of untidy looking fluff is Boo, to whom I am 'the-other-mummy'. Her real (and I mean human here) mummy is DD.

After MANY years of putting my foot down, and saying 'no' every time the subject of having a dog  was brought up, I now share my home with this adorable little creature. People who have known me for years, can't believe that I have turned out to be a 'dog person'!....I can't believe I've turned out to be a 'dog person'!!.....How did it happen?

DH is really to blame. When he and I made the decision to move to Spain, DD was adamant she was remaining in the NE of England. She had a job and she lived in the apartment we rented there, but DH decided that she was lonely and gave the go-ahead to check out some puppies. Before we knew it, the deal was done and within a few weeks this little Bichon Frise/ LLhaso Apso pup moved in with DD. Needless to say, we all fell in love with her.

All went well for about six months, until DD changed jobs. She wasn't working locally any more and therefore couldn't get home at lunchtime to see to Boo. She knew this wasn't fair on Boo, and after much deliberation and many tears -on DD's part - it was decided that she come to Spain to live in the sun!   The other choice had been to find her a new owner, but we just couldn't bring ourselves to do that.....she really had become part of the family by then.

So here I am .... now I couldn't imagine not having this little bundle of fluff wandering round my feet all day and lying beside me as I scrapbook and check emails etc. DD keeps reminding me that she is Boo's real mummy and that, once she's finished studying she will be able to have her back.....I say let's just wait and see!

As an addendum, if you check back tomorrow you will see the transformation from 'bundle of fluff' to 'meerkat look-alike', as she is off to have her first summer cut of the year!


  1. What a sweet story. I'm thinking you won't be able to give her up.

  2. Cute little doggie. Looking forward to seeing what she looks like after her cut.Thanks for dropping by my blog earlier.

  3. She looks totally loveable...I can see that your DD will have a fight on her hands!

  4. They have a way of capturing our hearts! :-)

  5. What a cute pup Alison!! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment, I really do appreciate it :)

  6. She is absolutely precious!

  7. I'll be back tomorrow, we just did a summer cut for our poochy and the transformation is amazing! :-) My Zoe looks a bit - well looked - like your fluffy Boo!

  8. Hi Alison ~ Thanks so much for leaving a comment on my blog. :o) I see that you are participating in BFS. I did the first class and it was amazing! I made so many friends and found so many lovely and inspiring blogs.

    This post you have here about your sweet little Boo is great. I have always been a cat person myself, but same thing - my DD finally got herself a dog and I fell in love with him. He {Marcus} lives with his REAL mommy, but they live near by and visit us often. My cats aren't crazy about him, but I love him and want a dog for my hubby and I now!

    Ooohh...sorry for the long comment. :o] Enjoy your BFS class! xo

  9. Cute dawg - I wonder if Boo's "real" mummy will ever get to claim her back!!


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