Life in the Slow Lane: Scrapbook Pages...on a Scrapbooking Blog?- surely not?!

Friday 1 April 2011

Scrapbook Pages...on a Scrapbooking Blog?- surely not?!

First up, I have to  say that I'm not doing very well with keeping up with Shimelle's prompts. It's not that I don't read them or think about's just that I'm kind of awkward, and like doing my own thing! I fully intend to get back on track...just not today.

Today I'm  posting a Layout, based on my post about our Wedding Anniversary a few days ago.

I used the Sketch for Challenge #11, over at Scrap-Friendzy.

I think I need to remind/reassure myself that this is supposed to be a Scrapbooking Blog (and probably if I did the third task on Shimelle's prompts, it might feel more like one!)....but right now it feels like me just rambling on about anything that's happening in my life. I have just read a post by Wendy , which talks about inconsistency....and maybe that's what I'm going to be -inconsistent- you are never going to know what you'll get if you drop by. I have to say that the blogs I enjoy reading most ARE the 'mixed' ones, where you get to find out about people's lives, as well as their fact, most (if not all) of the ones I have come upon through JYC and BFS are exactly that, so maybe I'm not as far off the mark as I think!

 Did anyone else feel as if they weren't being 'scrapbooky' enough when they started?  


  1. Me - I am adding photos and blogs but not scrapbook pages because work has been so crazy - Just feel proud cos I'm managing that - you are doing great :0)

  2. I never follow Shimelle's prompts religiously or regularly ... and wouldn't it be boring if we all did?! She doesn't mind either :P

    My blog started out as ONLY scrapboooking and is beginning to mutate a little bit ... with Siân's Storytelling Sundays and the odd photo-post ...

    Inconsistent is good though isn't it? Keep your readers on their toes!

  3. I like your layout! My blog is a mix of scrapbooking, book reviews, and daily life. I would say the scrapbooking is about 75%. I've posted some of the prompts for the BFS class with some other things mixed in.

  4. I love your layout - it's colourful, happy and attractive. And 31 years of marriage is quite an achievement - to still be happy together is even better - congratulations due all round (layout and anniversary)!

    As for your "scrapbooking blog"; you know, I don't think it matters whether your blog has other stuff too. I post all kinds of stuff on mine - because it is my blog and that's what it's evolved into. I did start Shimelle's course with a sort-of intention that I'd have a blog for scrap pages, books I have made etc... but somehow that seemed a bit clinical. I like putting lots of stuff on my blog - it shows readers a bit of "me" and starts conversations. My blog has become a big part of my life and I post about other parts of my life there. It makes me happy!

    So post away Alison and we'll come by and read it all - scrapbooking, puppy dogs, whatever! :-))

  5. Hi Alison,

    I have felt exactly the same, in fact I have only put up my first scrapbook post today. I've only recently started scrapbooking so I don't feel I have a huge amount to show people at the moment.

    I quite mixed blogs, the type where you never know what you're going to get. :)

    Happy Anniversary!

    SFD x

  6. That is such a happy lo. I started a general blog then started adding scrappy stuff to it. Then I decided to start a scrappy blog and keep the general one seperate. But that actually didnt work for me at all. So I am back to a general, mixed up one. I love blogs which have a little bit of everything.

  7. I prefer the mixed blogs as makes life far more interesting!!Mine was purely craft to start with...but now I throw in a bit of life as well.
    And I don't think Shimelle expects people to keep religiously to her fact I'm sure she doesn't.....which is one of the great things about her classes.
    Do love that page though.

  8. Popping over to say hi from Shimelle's class. Congrats on your anniversary!! I also have to tell you that I visited Spain a few years ago and FELL IN LOVE! Can't wait to go back.

  9. Lovely layout :-) But hey, don't ever feel that your blog 'should' be anything other than what you want it to be! I like blogs with a mixture of posts, too, and I don't think I could ever just do one kind of post on my own.....


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