Life in the Slow Lane: Good Mail Day!

Thursday 18 August 2011

Good Mail Day!

When I went down to check our Post Box yesterday , imagine my delight when I found this 

in between all the junk mail and bills..... it was a delightful piece of Mail Art, just for me, from one of my bloggy friends- the lovely Melissa over at Daily Life- Bits & Pieces. She had used things that are pertinent to my weight-loss and trying to be fitter journey, which was very thoughtful of her.

Inside, Melissa had added a  letter and a very cute tag

Round the card on the tag, Melissa has journalled:

Blogging is like a conversation around the table during a game of Canasta:sharing stories, commenting, building friendships, laughing and connecting. 

I couldn't agree more...that is a perfect quote as far as I'm concerned. I love reading about what's happening in all  your lives, wherever in the' Blogosphere' you live, and seeing how creative you all  are. I put off blogging for a very long time (mainly because I was sure I had nothing of interest to say) but have found it great fun, addictive(!) and inspiring!.

Thank you Melissa, for the Happy Mail..and thank you all for being my 'bloggy friends'

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx

P.S. Weighed in this morning and had only gained 0.2kg...a miracle, given my travelling and the amount of meals out I've had!! I must have made good choices after all.


  1. Welcome back Alison - and BIG congratulations on the minimal weight gain! Love that quote ... and loved Canasta - haven't played that for a very long time.

  2. Whatva wonderful gift to get in the post, oh and I love the quote, how true is that :)

  3. Perfect mail art from Melissa, she's a sweetheart. I think the minimal gain is outstanding wish that's all mine had amounted to after a summer of travels...oh, well back on the horse ;) Glad I found you in Blogland!

  4. You're welcome Alison - I'm so glad you enjoyed finding it amongst all the other mail!

    All the lovely comments about the quote have totally made my day - it's my very own creation. :>)

  5. Lovely mail....I always love to get mail from a bloggy friend.

  6. Weight gain? That's hardly a weight gain, bet it's gone by next weigh in!
    What a pretty piece of mail that is, I bet it made the postman smile too!

  7. Oh that is such an excellent mail day!

  8. Mail from a blogging friend is happy mail of the very best kind :)

  9. Oooh Happy Mail is the best & yes I agree about blogging - it's just delightful!


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