Life in the Slow Lane: He really DID make it up to me!

Thursday 5 April 2012

He really DID make it up to me!

If you read my post HERE, you will know that I said DH made the fact that I had gone with him to a concert (to see a band I didn't particularly like) up to me. Apart from generally making sure we saw as much as possible...and fitted in a good bit of shopping...he sat through not one, but TWO Broadway Musicals- and believe me, this man doesn't like  Musicals!

The first one was CHICAGO, which I was surprised  shocked to discover that he had actually enjoyed as much as I did! We had really good seats for it..just a few rows from the front, and at the end of the show a single (silk) red rose was thrown to the audience. There was a Chinese guy sitting in front of us, and he leapt to his feet to try and catch it ...but he was just too slow...DH had leapt to his too- and just about flattened the poor soul as he reached over to grab it....but the rose was mine!!!

layout made in 2010

Having enjoyed Chicago so much, I managed to talk him into going to see 'Phantom of the Opera'...THAT, however, was a big mistake as he hated it (and, to be honest, I was a bit disappointed in it myself), and he very quickly became anti-Musicals again!

On a totally different subject, GINGER from GINGER'S LIFE OF SPICE has just announced she's organising another MAIL ART EXCHANGE.  If you fancy joining in this time, you can find the details  HERE.

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. I would love to see a show on Broadway!!!! Phantom of the Opera has never been on my list though and I think I would feel the same as your husband. I love Les Miserables and would love to see it again. I want to go see Mary Poppins, Miss Siagon, The Lion King and perhaps about a dozen more :-D

    I am glad he made it up to you :-)

  2. I can just imagine the scenario with the rose! Sometimes it's not just the show that makes going to the theatre so enjoyable, it's the whole atmosphere and going to see something on Broadway must be amazing.

  3. So much fun to read this post - love the bit about the rose. :o)

    I would have to tie Doug up and DRAG him to a musical before he'd ever sit through one!

  4. Love his enthusiasm for you to have the rose :) I am with him on musicals, I reallllly dislike them, breaking into song in the middle of a conversation drives me nutso lol

  5. I'm not a great lover of musicals myself....though did really enjoy 'We will Rock you'.Love the red rose escapade.

  6. My husband is not keen on musicals either (or opera for that matter), both of which I enjoy. LUckily, we both like plays.
    The last musical I saw was Wicked - terrific.

  7. A few years back we saw Mary Poppins in London and that was magical. I think I'd love CHicago too, but pretty sure I wouldn't be so keen on Phantom either. It's really nice to see a layout from your collection

  8. It has been some time since I have seen a musical - although I like them, hubby does not! I guess I never make a point of seeing one when they come through. Your layout is fantastic Alison :)
    P.S. Thanks for the MAE plug :)

  9. He sure did make it up to you! I'm going to try to see if Chicago is playing in my area. I would love to see it. Maybe a miracle will happen and my hubby will like it too :)

  10. I saw Chicago in New York in January 2007 and really enjoyed it. So glad you were able to see some musicals while you were there!

  11. I would love to see Chicago. Last musical we went to was Mamma Mia and we so enjoyed that.

  12. I love, love, love musicals and I love your layout. What a great way to make it up to you and it's great he caught the rose x

  13. How wonderful for you! I wish we went to more theatrical shows more often. I love your title work on the layout!

  14. Now Chicago has never appealed to me but glad you both loved it. we saw q few in London the other year and my favourites were Lion King and Hairspray. But both very different x

  15. What a super cool layout. My husband is like that with ballet, although he is fine with musicals!

  16. Dude! Loved your story! Great page!!!!!

  17. Great story and LO Alison, I love looking back at pages like that!

  18. How lovely that he took you to see two musicals, but what a shame about Phantom of the Opera. I hope you manage to persuade your DH to go and see another musical :) the LO that goes with the story is fab!


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