Life in the Slow Lane: SIMPLY A MOMENT

Sunday 18 November 2012


It's 10.50a.m. on Saturday 17 November and I have just sat down with a cup of coffee, after having my 'in-laws' here. My FIL and his wife (who is NOT my MIL) rang to ask if they could come and shower here- they live fairly close by and had been without water for 24 hours.

As I sit listening to Josh Groban singing Christmas songs and looking at the ironing board....which has been in the same position since yesterday in the hope that I may actually DO something with it!...

.....I am pondering upon the fact that they didn't just use boiled, bottled water to wash, like everyone else does when they have water problems, when I am distracted by Kirsty and her friend Imane (who we picked up last night) looking through my 'baking cupboard'- they are checking for ingredients for some cupcakes they plan on making later today. There is much hilarity as they discuss what toppings they want to make for said makes me smile to hear their banter, and I am grateful that Kirsty has always had good friends around her, both in Spain and in the UK. As they go to get their shoes, Boo works out that they are about to go out and I can hear the little bell on her collar jingling as she follows them down the hall.

 I go back to pondering the water situation.......most people here keep spare bottled water in case the water DOES go off ; it is not a totally unknown phenomenon here! All it takes is some roadworks to be taking place and for some odd, inexplicable reason we lose water for half a day or whatever! 

The girls leave, and poor Boo has been left indoors with me...she jumps up to her spot at the window (on top of the sofa-back, which is wrecked by said activity!) and cries as she watches the car reversing out of the driveway. When she jumps down, I know they have gone so I let her out...she will now sit like this at the gate till they come home.

Ah coffee is finished and that ironing calls....

Hope you've had a good weekend!

Thanks to ALEXA for the inspiration to 'Share a Moment' every month

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. I don't envy you the ironing! Another fascinating glimpse - I'd hate to be without water on a regular basis...

  2. I love to do ironing. I really felt like I shared your coffee break with you after reading that x

  3. What a lovely moment & a glimpse into your water issues! Hope the ironing went well.

  4. Oh, I adore the photo of your cute doggy! Gotta love those little guys! That would be horrible to be without water!

  5. i love these moments. thanks for participating.

  6. That's such a wistful photo, and your description so clear I could almost hear the silence drop when the door closed and the car drove away ... The intermittent nature of water availability must be very trying at times, and it clearly weighs on everyone's mind. Hoping the ironing wasn't too traumatic! Thank-you so much for a glimpse into life where you live, Alison, and for joining in. :) (PS Did they make the cupcakes?)

  7. Wonderful post. Hope the ironing went well, I know I hate to iron so I can empathize.

  8. Love the little glimpse into your life Alison! What a cute picture of Boo waiting by the gates!!!

  9. What a lovely thing to look back on! Big boo hiss to the ironing though ;-)

  10. It is difficult to imagine life without a tap to turn on. What a generous daughter-in-law you are to share this precious commodity. Love the photo of Boo. She seems to be saying 'Take me, please'! x

  11. I'm putting off my ironing at the moment ..

    It's hard to think about water shortages - maybe I should go and start that ironing and be grateful for that steam!

  12. another lovely little glimpse x

  13. Awww sad little puppy waiting at the gate. How could they go out and leave her behind?!
    Lovely description of your moment.
    PS Did the ironing get done???

  14. The ironing never leaves, I have some awaiting me too! An intermittent water supply sounds highly annoying!

  15. Aaaw I love that photo of Boo! She is looking fat & gorgeous!! I hate it when my kids bake - it is always a flop & they make a huge mess & put everything back in the wrong place LOL

  16. Lovely photo of Boo! Nice to 'listen in' on a moment in your life, thanks for sharing :)

  17. It was so neat hearing about whats going on in your life. I don't think I'll ever catch up on my ironing so I can sympathisize. Thankfully we haven't had the water issue but I remember when we first moved in here, with all the construction going on the power would go off a lot to the pont we got an oil lamp.

  18. You're a brave woman to show your ironing board for the whole world to see! But it does emphasize the home-centered nature of your post. I especially enjoyed the description of the pre-cupcake conversation between your daughter and her friend...I hope the resulting cupcakes were worth the wait!


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