Life in the Slow Lane: HELLO MONDAY...LATE YET AGAIN!

Tuesday 14 May 2013


This week I'm saying:

HELLO to being home again....hopefully for more than a couple of weeks this time!

HELLO to Kirsty having a permanent job!

HELLO to  the May Fayre on Sunday...the local charity's biggest event of the year...and for which I'm responsible for food and refreshments

HELLO to LOTS of lists which will, hopefully, ensure that I don't forget anything important for said Fayre!

HELLO to getting the bunting finished, and some more hair clips made for said Fayre! 

bunting and hair clips for the May Fayre

HELLO to getting out into the garden, to help cope with the stress of said Fayre!

HELLO to Sunday night, when it will all be over!!!

Hoping your week is looking good!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Do hope that 'said fayre' is highly successful....and not too stressful!

  2. Glad you are back home, but it sounds like a stressful week. Hope it all goes well. Remember to take some quiet time for yourself!

  3. Congratulations to the proud owner of a new job!

  4. congratulations to your daughter and good luck with "said fayre"

  5. Congrats to Kirsty and hope the 'said fayre' goes well

  6. Good luck this weekend!
    Hope you have an enjoyable stay at home.

  7. Congrats to Kirsty on her new job and good luck with all the preparations for the Fayre. Hope it all goes well and look forward to hearing more about it after the event :) x

  8. yay Kirsty!! Hope you get a bit of daily escape into the garden, it makes handling these kinds of events so much less stressful if you have an escape. The bunting and clips are adorable. Good luck with all aspects of the Fayre!

  9. Better late than never! Congrats to Kirsty and lovely hair clips.

  10. I love this! I will say hello to Sunday for you...

  11. Great news about the job! Hope all goes well at the fayre, hard work but will be great when you see how much money you've raised for your charity x

  12. Congratulations to Kirsty. Looks like the Fayre is going to be taking up most of your week. Hope it goes well and you're able to have some garden time.

  13. Refreshments AND decorations--you are busy! I hope everything goes well and that Sunday presents an opportunity for you to relax and enjoy as it sounds like you will have earned it for sure.

  14. Hope the fayre goes well! Love the bunting and hair clips:) Good luck to Kirsty in her new job!

  15. Well done to Kirsty, that's great news. Good luck with the fayre x

  16. Sounds like the Fayre has your week full - hope it is all going well! I'm administering and grading finals this week & will be all done by tomorrow night! YIPPEE

  17. Oh I love the look of that bunting Alison - the Fayre should be loads of fun!! And YAY to Kirsty's fulltime job!!!

  18. Good luck with the May Fayre. Sounds like lots of work, but hopefully great fun! Not to mention the great relief when it is all over.

  19. Hope the Fayre goes well :0)

  20. Good luck with the Fayre x

  21. Your bunting looks bright and cheerful! Have a great fayre.

  22. Yey and well done to Kirsty! Brilliant news!

  23. Congrats to Kirsty. I too escape to my garden from stresses - and the bunting looks fab :)

  24. Sorry to have been a bad blog friend recently - will try harder!
    Glad to hear that K's now a permie - congratulations! I know from another post that the Fayre has been successful, but I wanted to admire your bunting ... lovely and colourful ... have a bunting project of my own to do soon.


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