Life in the Slow Lane: 5 IN 5...ROUND THE POOL

Friday 6 September 2013


 Joining in with SANDIE over at ITCHIFINGERS, with her new monthly photographic meme '5 IN 5'.......the idea being that on the 5th of the month (yes, I know I'm surprise there!) you take a bunch of photographs in 5 minutes, then post your 5 favourites.

I remembered about it as I was about to cool my feet off in the pool, and decided to take my photographs from there.

said feet, sporting TEAL TOES FOR MARTI

abandoned flip-flops!

my little fishing net, which I use to scoop dead flies, wasps etc. from the pool

the pool itself (plus fabulous view!)

the temperature!

I've said it before and I'll say it again:I feel so blessed to have ended up in this beautiful part of the's by no means perfect, but then where is?......

Hope the sun shines at least a little bit for you this weekend,

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Thank you for taking part in my new photo challenge, Alison. I love the blue in your photos, especially your matching toe nails! The colour is so vibrant.
    I agree, you are blessed to live in such a beautiful place. And the temperature... phew! No wonder you want to be in your pool! I loved seeing your photos, especially as today has turned and it has been a bit dull and drizzly. xx

  2. The view from your pool is truly fantastic, Alison. And I love seeing your teal toes! So very sweet of you, and I KNOW my mother would have LOVED it. xo

  3. ahhh when I see the temps in farenhiet I understand better, glad you have that pool. Love the shots and the toes!

  4. What a great set of 5 photos. Our summer has finished now I think, so quite envious of that pool,view, temperature ...

  5. Such a beautiful place to live and that temperature looks wonderful! Yes I think we are definitely moving into Autumn now and may be leaving the sun behind for a bit.

  6. Your pool looks so inviting . With such an amazing view I think I'd spend most of my time in there x

  7. Lovely photos Alison. Our temp was 29 on Thursday and I though that that was too hot!

  8. I love the blue theme running through your photos Alison. We've had a mix here this weekend, but quite a bit of sunshine still :o)

  9. A lovely set of photos and your pool looks so inviting! Hope you managed a dip this weekend! It has rained on and off here, but Penny and I did manage to go for a walk in Canterbury this afternoon to work out her route to uni and the sun shone!

  10. Gorgeous . . . and soothing. I think I'll try and do this meme again this month.

  11. Great photos! Lots of sunshine here & still really HOT temperatures!

  12. Great photos that have me green with envy! It's grey and damp as I stare out of my office window, wanna swap places? lol x

  13. Ahhh, the pool looks so inviting! Great 5 photos!

  14. Just catching up after having been away and really envying you the pool and the temperatures - 9C here today! You've made a lovely visual contribution to the meme ...

  15. I've got teal toes too! I'm always so jealous of your view and your garden.

  16. Such lovely blues and the view from your pool deck is gorgeous!


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