Life in the Slow Lane: ME ON MONDAY

Tuesday 27 January 2015


Today saw me making my first visit of the year to FONTILLES....between the sore foot and other commitments, I just hadn't managed to get there.

This lovely old gentleman is a resident in the Geriatric Unit ...a Scot like myself, so we always manage a good old 'blether'...he didn't know what had hit him today as my friend Lyn (visiting from Scotland) was with me and was intent on finding out as much as she could about him  (genealogy is her 'thing')

The weekend? was a house-tidying (for my houseguest arriving), food-buying (for my houseguest arriving), curry-making (for my houseguest arriving), wine drinking, laughing , exchanging news and watching 'call the Midwife' (when my houseguest arrived) kind of weekend.

Waving to everyone....especially SIAN, whose great idea this meme was.

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Waving back at you Alison! Sounds like you had a fun and busy weekend with your friend and a nice time with the elderly gentleman.

  2. Gotta love a guest who enjoys a curry! Sounds lovely. We have a guest arriving tomorrow and I'm thinking roast dinner, because he probably doesn't get too many of those in his adopted San Diego!

    Hope the rest of the week is a good one and your foot is well on the mend

  3. I note that no excuse was deemed necessary for wine drinking!

  4. Sounds like a real 'house guest' weekend!!

  5. Got to love a house guest who loves a curry, glass of wine and a good laugh!
    Pleased to hear you are more mobile again.

  6. Sounds to me, like you and your house guest had a blast :)

  7. I'm sure he enjoyed blethering with two scots lassies

  8. What a super photo, Alison! Your gentleman must be so delighted to have you visit, with that bright smile of yours and cheerful conversation :). Glad that despite the busyness of preparations, you've enjoyed the company.

  9. Sounds like a good, fun week. Guest are always a fun time.

  10. Sounds like a delightful weekend.

  11. A houseguest who likes genealogy? well, what's not to like? I too would have had to ask loads of questions and then gone on Tinternet as soon as possible just to have a little furtle around. I loves fambly 'istry I does

  12. Sounds like all those preparations would guarantee a lovely visit. And I bet the old gentleman was pleased to see both you and your friend.

  13. Sounds like a great weekend, that is a beautiful photo. I hope you had a lovely time with your houseguest xx

  14. Sounds like it was a good weekend - hope you've had a great week & are enjoying another great weekend!

  15. sounds a lovely way to spend the weekend

  16. We're almost round to Monday again and I've only just found time to pop in. Sounds like a great house guest to receive.


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