Life in the Slow Lane: ME ON MONDAY

Monday 24 August 2015


A very good Monday morning to you all......and especially to SIAN and her merry bunch of 'wavers'!

This morning sees me in that very rare position over the summer months .......alone and able to make as much crafty mess as I please..even in the kitchen which is the coolest room in the morning! In any other room I need to turn a fan on, and you can guess what THAT does to paper and embellishments!!

The weekend? was a waving farewell to good friends, sheet and towel washing,then  ignoring the housework and immersing myself in a trilogy of books which have been calling to me for ages ( BELLE, THE PROMISE and SURVIVOR by LESLEY PEARCE). I hadn't read any of her books before but I was really drawn into this family saga....the final one has still to be finished, but I'm working on that! There was time for a hospital visit and a visit to my LITTLE OLD LADY, whose Birthday it was on Saturday......obviously some scrapping too!

I'm looking forward to a visit from Craig later in the week....and hoping to be planning a holiday with him at the end of September...I do hope you've all got something to  be looking forward to!

Thanks for dropping by!
take care of you
Alison xx


  1. It sounds as if the book time was well deserved! Guests are lovely, but oh, those sheets lol I hope your Little Old Lady had a nice birthday and that your week is a great one, with that holiday planning to look forward to

  2. sounds a great relaxation post visitors and the thought of a fan with paper crafting !!

  3. It sounds like you had a great weekend xx

  4. nice to see you got some scrapping in!

  5. Lovely to hear that you've been scrapping and reading.

  6. It sounds like a perfect Monday ... Glad the weekend was enjoyable

  7. How FUN that you found some scrappy time. I had a laugh at the image of trying to scrap with a fan blowing. It's still pretty hot here, so of course the air conditioning is running all the time. I did a little scrapping,too, this weekend. Have a fantastic week!

  8. Hope that holiday is soon booked! I smiled at the comment about what a fan can do to scrapbooking embellishments! Pleased to hear you finally had time on your own to catch up with some crafty work.

  9. Waving Hello on a Tuesday as I'm trying to catch up with all my bloggy friends again! Glad you had some quality time to yourself with a few good books to keep you company. That is my favorite kind of downtime!

  10. I am a little late, but hope you had a great week, and that holiday is well on the way to finalisation (does that word exist?!). The bliss of being able to scrap when everyone has gone - I am looking forward to a bit of that this weekend.


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