Life in the Slow Lane: WAVING ON TUESDAY.....

Tuesday 24 November 2015


....after having been MIA for a few weeks.

Our temperature has dropped by ten degrees since Saturday, but the sun is still shining and today saw me doing this:

When I dropped a friend home today she invited me to pick some grapefruit from the tree in her garden.....I couldn't believe how many were on it!

The weekend?...our Charity Christmas Bazaar was on Sunday, which meant that Saturday was spent preparing for it....and on the day itself a grand total of just over 5000 euros was raised! 

One of the highlights of the day was one of our Craft Group ladies (a self-confessed 77 years of age) performing the splits after a very entertaining dance routine!

A special wave to SIAN and her Monday Wavers.....and hoping the week brings good things to one and all!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. I'm so impressed I'm speechless! And there I was thinking hauling myself off the sofa for Pilates once a week was good going. If I did Pilates every day for the rest of my life I'd still never be able to do that.

    Congrats on the fantastic fundraising. Enjoy the rest of your week after that hard work

  2. Wow! She puts me to shame!
    That's a fantastic fundraising total, well done. All that hard work beforehand was worthwhile!

  3. Welcome back; we're always glad to see you! I couldn't do splits when I was 20, let along now. Amazing!

  4. Santa Grannie is amazing - I do like her outfit; I would so wear an outfit like this but never could I do the splits! Amazing to be able to pick grapefruit right off the tree. Hope you have a good week.

  5. What a great picture! Wow! you raised a lot of money,well done!

  6. there is something nicely exotica bout picking your own citrus fruit - great work on the charity bazaar - have a great weekend

  7. What a lovely weekend, that lady is very supple for her age! xx

  8. Wow!
    Good to see you, and I do so love winter citrus.

  9. I'm catching up on past Mondays today. I need that lady's energy, spirit and most of all dexterity!!

  10. Oh my sainted aunt! What an extraordinary lady - and a super total you have raised. Envying you the sun - in the last sixteen days we have a total of five hours of sunlight.


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