Life in the Slow Lane: Summer Scavenger Hunt

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Summer Scavenger Hunt

Now I realise that this isn't strictly a beehive....but I was very excited when i opened up my patio umbrella to find this

It's a 'paper nest', started by wasps.......needless to say I swiftly got rid of it, after photographing it of course. We get a few of these every year, and only once has one been so well concealed that we didn't see it until it was well-inhabited! I reckon this is the closest I'm going to get to a beehive!

I also took these pics of the pine forest behind our house...that's our chimney in the pic!

I must go and find my list, and check what I've still to 'capture'!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. I'd say definitely close enough!
    Rinda (who's still looking for one)

  2. Great job Alison!! we get those wasp nests every now and then two!

  3. Glad you found it soon enough....wasps are one of my pet hates!

  4. I don't think I've ever seen one of those before!

  5. I'm with Sian, I've never seen one before, and although I'd be the same and would get rid of it, I will say, it's very pretty

  6. You sure are throwing yourself into this challenge - I hope there is a prize for your efforts!!

  7. I would say that's as good as a beehive. You're doing so well with all of your scavenger finds :)


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