Life in the Slow Lane: LSNED DAY 25 and Shimelle's Sketch of the Week

Monday 26 September 2011

LSNED DAY 25 and Shimelle's Sketch of the Week

DAY 25

I learned that it doesn't get any easier seeing DH off at the airport.....even though I've had to endure a week of 'man-flu'!

Sleeping off 'man-flu'...don't know what Boo's excuse was!

Boo features in Shimelle's  SKETCH OF THE WEEK too!

The inspiration for the alpha frame came from a challenge at SCRAPBOOK CHALLENGES  (and particularly from a lovely lady called Lori Pinkerd), in conjunction with Design Challenge #10 over at SCRAP FRIENDZY!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Aww Boo is just too cute! I love that alphabet frame, what a great idea:)
    That posting date just sort of snuck up on me, so I'm glad to hear I'm not alone!

  2. Dogs never need an excuse for's what ours do best!!

  3. Man-flu. It's just tragic. Glad you survived. ;^D

  4. Did you hear, there was a news clip saying that man flu is real, and men get the flu worse than we do! I'm thinking a man was behind that report! Lol

  5. What a cute layout - I like the alpha border. You are doing great with LSNED - only a few more days to go!

  6. Fabulous idea of the alpha border and hope the man flu is cured now.

  7. Had to laugh at the man flu! Cute layout as well.

  8. LOL at the man flu! Love little Boo sleeping at his feet, so cute! Great LO, love the colours and the alpha border. Our dog drinks the water out of the bird bath all the time!!

  9. Glad you survived the man-flu. Sometimes that can be worst then having it yourself. ;) Cute page. Love the idea of an alphaframe.

  10. What a cutie! Hope DH is feeling better (for your sake as well as his!)

  11. Totally agree that man-flu is worse on the woman!

  12. mwahahahah!! LOVE it!!! :) :)
    Great page too xoxox

  13. What a cute layout of Boo & love the alpha frame idea :)


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