Life in the Slow Lane: LSNED DAY 26 & 27

Tuesday 27 September 2011

LSNED DAY 26 & 27

DAY 26

Shimelle's prompt today (yes, I do try to read them, though haven't really followed them), was about the environment. I realised  that I didn't have to look too closely to find that Autumn is on it's way. Even though it's still warm and sunny, there is a definate change in the length of the days. When I took Boo out tonight at about 7.30pm, I learned that by the time I was returning half an hour later, the light was already dimming.....lesson learned: remember to start taking her out a bit earlier!

DAY 27

Still with the change of seasons: I took Boo out earlier tonight, walking for the first time in a goodly number of weeks (we haven't walked far over the summer due to the heat!) through the almond and olive groves. I learned that the almond trees are just about 'over', with most of the almonds already picked...and that the olives are just about ripe. I also learned that I should ALWAYS take my camera with me!...the light was perfect for taking pics , and of course said camera was at home!!

I also had some lovely 'HAPPY MAIL' today, but didn't get around to photographing it...I will do so tomorrow and let you all see what came to  me as part of  GINGER'S  'Mail Art Exchange'.

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. I must admit I love the change of light that comes with autumn

  2. I love autumn as well....I just wish it didn't turn to winter!

  3. Aah here it's Spring but we've had rain for days! Yay for us it's lighter longer - I always seem to leave things to late afternoon so I appreciate the extra hour!

  4. Oh yes, remember, the best camera is the one you have with you! :>) I walked outside this week too, it's not cool by any means, but much less hot than it has been.

  5. Love Autumn! I'd take autumn all year round.

    I haven't been following the prompts this time round either. I would love to see them completely made - over for next year

  6. One of my photos of the day for today is of the leaves changing colour :) Today was the first day I properly noticed the lovely reds and golds, and the fallen leaves too!

    PS Olives, YUM! Think I might add some to my lunchtime salad....

  7. Ah yes....take the camera! I usually forget mine too!


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