Life in the Slow Lane: Would you believe it?!

Monday 14 November 2011

Would you believe it?!

I have been going great guns with DD's NYC album (which I need to have finished by the end of next week, to take to Barcelona for her Birthday)...but tonight, as I printed off another batch of pics, the dreaded message about needing new ink came up and, yes, the last three on the sheet were no good whatsoever! So I have come to a halt, till I get to the shops to get a new cartridge.

Now I know I should jump onto another project (prepping my JYC for instance), but I have discovered that I only seem to be able to work on one thing at a time...and have to see one through before starting another. I shall now be in a state of panic until Wednesday, which is the first time I'm going to be able to get to the only shop I know that sells said cartridges!

 I know I have plenty of time to finish it, but  it seems that the older I get, the more I doubt my capabilities ( in many areas of my life, not just in this case) and feel a need to get things 'finished'...just 'in case' the sky falls down and stops me!

Anyway, I shall now clear away my scrappy supplies and try to put it out of my head till I can actually do something about it....though it has just occurred to me that I have still to decorate the outside of the album...YAY! I can stop panicking and do that tomorrow- no need for the printer for THAT !

These are a couple of LOs I got around  to photographing today

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. What a bummer about the ink! I always keep extra cartridges on hand for just that reason - it's never a time where I can just run out & get one.

    You could also create your backgrounds for a few pages tomorrow if you finish the cover. Kind of like Shimelle's Stash Diving, just put the backgrounds together, then add photos & embellishments. (I'm not sure I could do it because I always start with photos, but a page or two couldn't hurt!)

  2. What a pain about the cartridges. I'm not very good a running several projects at a time. My brain starts to frazzle! Album is going to be great.

  3. Funny, I was pondering the same thing myself this morning. When I was a teenager I was very bad at finishing things off, then I got a lot, lot better. Now I have too much faith in my newish found ability which leads me to take on too many projects at once. Then I'm back to being a teenager again

  4. I always try to have ink in reserve....there's nothing worse than running out when you need it.
    I definately try to do too many projects at once....and have far too many unfinished!!!!

  5. I have run into the ink problem too many times so now buy extras every time I buy cartrideges. It's easy for me to run to the store if it's business hours but ubfortubately I have been known to be printing things at the last minute :( This album is going to be one of her fav all time gifts!

  6. What lovely handwriting you have Alison, I've never noticed it before!
    I love that Winnie the Pooh quote and the word 'smackerel' :o)
    Fiona x

  7. Those flowers are adorable! And Fiona is right, you have a lovely handwriting. At least you know the colours etc that you are using and you can mock up a page with the photos and then just replace them when you get your printer. I have the opposite problem with my printer - it tells me it needs new ink about 3 years before it actually goes (so now of course I don't believe it until it is too late!!)

  8. I hate that message, the inks cost more than the printer!

  9. Don't you always run out just when you are nearly finished??! So annoying.

  10. I'm the opposite - I have dozens of half-finished projects on the go!

    Love your handwriting on those pages.

  11. Oh how frustrating for you! I know what you mean about only working on one project - I am the same!

  12. What a shame the ink ran out - beautiful pages and I love your journalling on the edge. I like to finish a page at a time, tho some of the longer projects when they are drying I make other things :)

  13. I hate it when that happens - I always intend to have extra ink cartridges on hand, and always forget and have to order more when I've run out - which is always in the middle of a project...

    I've just had a lovely catch up on your blog, enjoying your gorgeous layouts and fab photos :) Sorry I got so far behind! xx

  14. Hi Alison thank you for the lovely welcome back into bloggerland.
    I looove your two layouts and the journalling!!!
    I sympathise truly about the printer,lol,always happening here too.....frustrating.
    Enjoyed your 11.11.11 post as well..beautiful pictures.
    Big hugs for now

  15. Cute! She is going to love her album!! I can totally relate to the ink thing - it's the most frustrating thing in the world - oooh really - it drives me crazy - maybe you can try printing in BW - mine won't continue even when one colour is low so if yours is the same even that won't work!

  16. hmmmmm ... I think that is my problem! I get so excited about the 'new' project that I forget that the 'old' one is sitting there waiting to be finished!

  17. I love your flowers Alison and like the others said your handwritting is lovely.

    Good luck finishing off your album, you're daughter will treasure it xx

  18. I hate that out of ink message - I keep meaning to be organised and have one in the drawer but it never happens!!

  19. So sorry about the ink - what a bummer. What gorgeous LOs!! Love your work! ~ Blessings

  20. I may have lots of partially done projects but once I get going I can only work on one till it's either finished or I temporarily lose interest - like the 2003 vacation one I'm doing now. :)


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