Life in the Slow Lane: Pomegranate Panic

Monday 12 December 2011

Pomegranate Panic

On Saturday I'm off to a 'Wreathmaking Class' (the Christmas type, not the funereal type!). When I was speaking to one of the ladies who is running it, she gave me some ideas for different things to consider using.

One of the things she suggested was dried pomegranates, and told me all I needed to to was slice one up and dry it out in the oven...easy peasy!

I decided that tonight was the night for the drying out, and proceeded to slice and put the pomegranate in the oven...then promptly forgot about them!!! I forgot to turn the heat down and forgot they were even in the oven..till  the 'scent' of charred fruit reached the living room!

This is the result

No wonder Winnie-the Pooh has that look on his face!!

When I tell DD about it, she will only laugh and say 'what did you expect?'. She is forever telling people that we only ever eat 'burnt' food, as I ALWAYS forget to set a timer and get engrossed in something (often paper-related) that puts all thought of what might be in the oven out of my mind!

Looks like I'll be off to buy pomegranates tomorrow, and try again!

I'll have a few more JYC pages to share in the next day or so...I ran out of Photopaper over the weekend,so printing of my pics ground to a halt. The problem has now been rectified and printing has now resumed!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. On the plus side, I'm sure the smell was festive ... After the burnt smell went lol. Can't wait to hear how you get on with your class

  2. That did make me chuckle because it's the sort of thing I'd do! I did notice thelook on Pooh's face too :) x

  3. That could just as well be me! My kids say exactly the same thing!! I'm quite good about remembering to set the timer now, AND bring it with me to my desk, so that it PINGS right here to save the food from becoming the cajun variety yet again!!

  4. That could be me too. As I have an AGA and the smell goes up the chimney I am quite famous for making a batch of cakes when I get up in the morning, putting them in the AGA and then finding them when I go to cook dinner 12 hours later!

  5. That happened to me with orange slices! Hope you enjoy your class. I love the Christmas tree in your picture, does it twirl & play a tune? Just noticed the word verification EXESS (time in the oven?)

  6. That happened to me with orange slices as well....I really must learn to use a timer!!!

  7. LOL Alison! Enjoy your class and be sure to post a photo of the finished wreath!

  8. lol Alison, Winnie the Pooh is not very happy!!

  9. Oh dear! Not quite the festive effect you were going for but another holiday memory to scrap ;-)

  10. Oh, no! I'm glad you were able to laugh about it :)

  11. Haha...oh that sounds familiar only because I tried the same thing with orange slices just this past weekend! I got busy with paper and next thing you know...

  12. Oh my, I had to laugh, too! That looks like something I would do. Love the staging of your photo, Winnie the Pooh does look concerned, lol!

  13. You did make me giggle with your story! Hope it makes it into your Christmas journal. Have fun at your wreath making class :)

  14. this one made me smile and made me realise i'm not the only one!

  15. Oh dear, but how funny! I love your Winnie the Pooh decoration - absolutely gorgeous!

  16. I laughed as I read your post because we've had at least two instances lately of overdone (burnt!) food and, like you, it's mostly because I left the stove and got involved in something much more, say, reading blog posts.

  17. That is so funny!!!! This reminds me of my mom. She does it all the time. So much so we bought her a very loud digital timer. But she either forgets to turn it on or she forgets to listen for it!!!!! So she still burns almost every batch of cookies unless she stays in the kitchen to hear the timer!!!! (it is very loud and you can't NOT hear it in the kitchen!)


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