Life in the Slow Lane: (BELATED) THANKS!

Friday 18 May 2012


On reading JEMMA'S POST today, I was reminded that I have been a very bad Blogger! In February..yes you did read that correctly....I  was lucky enough to receive two Blog Awards. 

 In the space of a week HELEN over at SCRAP ADDICT  and  LISA-JANE at INSIDE MY HEAD both awarded me 'The Liebster Award'

....seemingly the idea of this one is that it is to bring attention to blogs with less than 200 Followers and the rules are as follows:
1. show your thanks to the blogger who gave you 
the award by linking back to them.

2. reveal your five picks for the award 
and let them know.

3. post about the award on your blog.

4. bask in the love from the most supportive people
 in the blogosphere!  {aka your followers}

5. finally have fun and spread the love!

I read so many great blogs, and hate making choices of any you can imagine how long it's taken me to write this! I have chosen five lovely bloggers who I have been following for almost as long as I've been blogging...and to whom I haven't passed an award before.

1. GINGER from GINGER'S LIFE OF SPICE...not only does she have wonderful projects to drool over, but she organises the fun MAIL ART EXCHANGE!
2 JACKY  from SCRAPPY JACKY.....makes the most beautiful cards (and just scrapes in, as she is so popular!)
3.DEB FROM DEB'S WORLD.....who not only shares her crafty makes, but also gives an insight to her world.
4.RINDA from GALLO ORGANICO...who produces the most amazing artwork, and always leaves you with something to think about! 
5.MELISSA from DAILY LIFE-BITS AND PIECES.. one of .the MOST organized people I have ever come across- and she's pretty creative too!;)

I have actually received another award this week, from ESTELLE, over at TWINKLES, TUTORIALS AND TWIRLS,

 but shall pass that on poor brain hurts just now!!

If you  pop over to Estelle's other Blog  RUSTIC STAR DESIGNS though,you will find a fabby Giveaway going on!

Belated thanks to Helen and Lisa-Jane...and more recent thanks to Estelle!

Hope you all have a great weekend..mine is going to be spent cleaning, as my friend Elaine is arriving on Monday to do some recuperating from some surgery she's just had.

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Thank you so much, glad you like visiting my blog.....I love coming to yours.

  2. Thanks Alison!!! I really appreciate the shout-out.

  3. Congrats on your awards:):):)!!!

  4. Congrats of you award! You picked some great blogs to honor...I love reading many of them too!

  5. well done you on your blog awards, but don't worry you were away for a few days

  6. Well done on your awards Alison - you are a much loved member of the blogging community, that's for sure :)

  7. You are very welcome Alison - your posts brighten my day :)!

    Thanks for mentioning my giveaway too. Have a good weekend! xx

  8. Well done you. Not one but two awards. You just reminded me that I had a Leibster award that I haven't blogged about either. Best I get my skates one and do it now :0)

  9. Congratulations on the awards Alison, I second what Sian said xx

  10. I'm sure they all appreciate your thoughtfulness.

  11. Oh Alison, this totally makes my day!! I've just arrived home from a 3-day crop & this just tops off a wonderful weekend! Thank you - Thank you - Thank you!

  12. Congratulations to you Alison and to all your lovely choices. Have a lovely time with your friend next week. Can't think of a better way to recuperate!

  13. oh thank you Alison!! I agree with your comments about the other blog award winners and I am so very thankful to be among such a wonderful community of bloggers :) thanks again :)

  14. Oh no problem I had forgotten all about it! Have fun with your friend!!

  15. Congrats on the rewards. You picked some great bloggers as winners. Enjoy reading them all.

  16. Congratulations on the awards!! You deserve them! ~ Blessings


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