Life in the Slow Lane: HELLO MONDAY

Monday 15 April 2013


This week I'm saying:

HELLO to a trip to the UK

HELLO to probable hospital-visiting whilst has been taken in over the weekend...he has pneumonia again. Mum says he is responding well to treatment, but I shall be glad to see that for myself

HELLO to a wedding on Saturday...for which I have still to put together an outfit!

HELLO to an early rise (3am) to get to the airport

HELLO to Kirsty arriving on Friday night,and to spending a few days with her

HELLO to a fretting dog....she saw me get the suitcase out this morning and now she's moping about and leaping up every time I move..she knows I'm going SOMEWHERE

Can't you just tell that she's moping?!

I had to laugh at all the comments about my MAN FRIDAY  (or RAUL, in some people's imaginations!!).....just to clarify; he ISN'T a strapping young Spaniard - in fact he's not Spanish at all, but English ....very nice, but not my type- I'm still on the lookout for Raul! ;)

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Oh, poor baby! I love the photo of your mopy dog!! Hope your dad gets better soon! Have a safe trip!

  2. Hope your Dad is well on the way to recovery and have fun at the wedding.

  3. wishing you a safe journey and hoping your dad is recovering xxx

  4. Sending best wishes to your Dad. I hope he is much better by the time you visit xx

  5. Hope your dad is WAY better by time you get there. Poor puppy, where does he go when you are away?

  6. Hoping your dad is recovering well ny the time you gat there....and enjoy the wedding.

  7. Hope your Dad is soon home again. Enjoy the wedding.
    Love the moping dog pic, Coco gets exactly the same when she sees a suitcase!

  8. hope your Dad makes a swift recovery. Enjoy your time over here and that wedding!

  9. hope your dad is soon home xx

  10. BOO to your Dad being sick; hope he's doing better soon! BOO to having to get up at 3 am to travel, too!! (and your dog says 'BOO' to you having to travel, lol!!)

    but enjoy the wedding, and your dog will definitely enjoy it when you get back!!

  11. Poor pup. Have a safe trip and sending healing thoughts to your father.

  12. Hope your Dad has a quick recovery and is home soon. Poor puppy - I always remember whenever we were going away we'd shut the spare room door and pack in there but it didn't fool him one bit. He'd mope around outside the door.

  13. I hope your dad get better quickly!

    This week I'm saying hello to teaching new chapters in my classes, the end of the Finding Photo Freedom workshop, and a book club meeting here tomorrow.

    Plus Robbie & I are using a meal plan this week to help us eat healthier & less! And we've finally started walking again - four days in a row . . . now if we can just keep it up!

  14. Have a safe trip! I hope your Dad continues to make good progress.

  15. Have a good trip, hoping your dad is on the mend. Dogs are strange aren't they? Mine puts on her sad eyes when she sees me putting my jacket & heels on!

  16. Safe trip, hoping your dad is on the mend. Enjoy your wedding and time with Kirsty too x

  17. Don't shatter the illusion Alison!

    I hope your Dad picks up soon ... enjoy the wedding!

  18. Poor Puppy! I think extra dog bones are in order!

  19. Hope you have a good trip and find things well with your dad. Our dog used to lie by the front door. She hated being left behind!

  20. Hope your dad makes a speedy recovery.

  21. Wishing your Dad all good wishes, I. Hope he continues to improve

  22. I really hope you dad gets better soon and you enjoy the wedding x

  23. I always enjoy these Hello Monday posts :) Hope your dad gets better soon!

  24. As I am reading posts backwards I was glad to read that your dad is doing better.


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