Life in the Slow Lane: GOODBYE SUMMER!

Saturday 21 September 2013


Today, summer is truly over!.......'the girls' leave tonight; the last of the Summer Visitors.....we have had a week of eating too much, drinking too much and laughing till we cried!

In the last  half hour, even the sun has gone away(though I'm quite certain that will return!) if it knows the 'summer season' is ending.

It's also the last day of the SUMMER SCAVENGER HUNT, organised by our friend RINDA; the list she reamed up this year was as follows:

1. Open air market
2. Theater for performing arts (not a movie theater)
3. City Hall, Capitol or other similar civic building
4. Airplane
5. A sunset
6. Someone or something taking a nap
7. A sign that is intentionally or unintentionally funny
8. A tower
9. A photo with someone or something that is clearly out of place or doesn't belong

10. A bench that is outside
11. An animal in a zoo, aquarium, nature preserve, etc.
12. A cloud in the shape of something (please specify what you see)
13. A fence
14. A stained glass object or a mosaic
15. A fire truck or police car

16. A windmill 
17. Candle(s)
18. Your local pub/bar, coffee house or tea shop
19. A fisherman
20. A dinosaur
21. A photograph of you with an artistic tool or craft supply (you cannot substitute for this item)

....and I managed to get all 21 items onto three collages (courtesy of Picmonkey)

To see interpretations of the list from all around the globe, pop over HERE.

So it's thanks again to Rinda for a fun summer and to 'the girls' for a fantastic week, rounding it all off...bring on Autumn!!

Hope you are all having a good weekend...and I really do hope to catch up with all my blog reading in the next few days!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Great job Alison. I love that butterfly mosaic :o)

  2. Great photos Alison, your Dinosaurs made me smile

  3. Lovely mosaic! Great finds! Congrats!

  4. Your mosaic is terrific - I love your fisherman!

  5. well done on getting so many fab scavenger hunt pics so many great shots not sure which is my fave!

  6. Lovely photographs Alison. I really like the butterfly mosaic and the yummy dinosaur biscuits.

  7. Good job. I especially like your sunset from the plane.

  8. You have some interesting takes on some of Rinda's list. Your tower is very unusual. i am really struggling to choose single photos for some categories.

  9. Great set of photos ~ I like the one of Boo sleeping and the fisherman one.

  10. Love all of the pix and the way you've posted them really enhances the whole lot. I think I'll have to check out Picmonkey!

  11. Never mind the scavenger hunt, just look at that line up of lovely girls! Bet you all had heaps of fun. Loved all your photographs for the hunt. Great sighting of that windmill, so unexpected. Hope all well. Sorry haven't popped in recently. Been a crazy time here. x

  12. Glad to see you and the girls having fun. Well done on completing the hunt.

  13. Well done! Liked all your photos, and particularly the butterfly mosaic. Roll on next year! Kind regards, John W #17.

  14. Looks like you had a super time with the girls. Great photos x

  15. It's been a while but I'm slowing getting round to reading blogs again. I've had fun catching up with all you've been up to. Well done on getting all the photos for the scavenger hunt! Looks like you've had a great summer :) x

  16. Your sunset is so beautiful, that sign is so funny and I love your interpretation of the dinosaur item. Well done.

  17. Hope you had a wonderful weekend! I was at a scrapbooking retreat & had a blast!

  18. Glad that you had such a fun time with the girls! Well done on getting on the items on the scavenger hunt list x

  19. Well done, you got some really lovely photos x

  20. The fisherman weather vane has my vote. Very charming. You have some wonderful photos!

  21. Haven't you done well! Great pics of a wonderful summer there.

  22. Great job on the collages! think it's more fun to see all of the photos together.

  23. It was great seeing them all together. Wish I'd done that. :)


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