Life in the Slow Lane: HELLO WEEK

Tuesday 22 October 2013


This week I'm saying:

HELLO to still-high temperatures....

5.30 pm tonight (78F)

HELLO to my first scrapbook layout for MONTHS:

I must  practice talking layout pics again!

 HELLO to a visit to Scotland at the end of the week....just for a few days 

HELLO to seeing mum, dad AND Kirsty at the end of the week! :)

HELLO to digging out warmer clothes ..and SHOES!!! the end of the week! :(

What are you saying HELLO to this week?

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Hello Alison. Love your layout what vibrant colours - perfect for the subject. Safe journey to Scotland and have fun with Kirsty x

  2. oh yes you'll need your warmer clothes - although they keep telling us on the news that it is warmer than normal, it is still a lot colder than you have - and raining a lot - plenty of excuses for hot chocolate and sitting inside - have a great visit

  3. Have a fantastic time back in Scotland Alison - Could you bring some of that warm weather over this way with you please x

  4. Lots of lovely hellos this week! Great layout, I love the colours x

  5. What a lovely page..I love the design for the way it fits so many pictures on.

    Have a great trip!

  6. What a festive page. Now that you are scrapping again, I hope to see more soon.

  7. Lovely to see a layout again, and I love this clustering together with all the 'white' space around it - you are back in your groove! Yes, you are going to need those warmer clothes for your trip and you could probably practise getting used to our temperatures by standing right beside the freezer with the door open! Hoping you have a lovely time with your family and that your Dad is making good progress.

  8. Lovely layout and wishing you a safe journey to Scotland at the end of the week! I am saying hello to a trip to Canterbury to stay with Penny this weekend - really looking forward to that!

  9. Belated "Hello" to your week Alison. Love your page and the temperatures that you have - and today is at least sunny if chilly here, so pack your sunglasses as well as your thermals! Have a great trip xx

  10. Hey, I recognize that layout! Yay for scrapping again! Our temps are definitely heading downward. Time for heat, blankets, sweatshirts.

  11. 78° is quite a bit cooler than what we're seeing. It was 95° here yesterday! This week I'm saying hello to Cheri who is coming to visit. :o)

  12. I had lots of plans last week, but I ended up saying Hello to being VERY sick & spending the week in bed. I'm on the mend now, but taking it easy this week. Hope this week is off to a great start for you!

  13. That big cluster of photos has a lot of impact. I'm in Scotland myself - just finished a plate of chicken haggis and mash.

  14. Great layout! I love how you incorporated so many photos with a great balance of embellishments and journaling.

  15. The layout looks great! Hope the trip to Scotland went well and everyone is doing well there.


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