Life in the Slow Lane: SIMPLY A MOMENT

Sunday 20 October 2013


Once a month, my friend ALEXA invites us to stop, take stock, notice and record...just a moment (or maybe two!) in our busy lives.


I'm sitting on the sofa in the Naya while it's cool enough to do's been too hot to do so all week...and once the sun creeps round to this side of the house it will be too hot again! 

There's the sound of a tractor engine in the distance, accompanied by male (Spanish) voices trying to be heard above it...also of gunshots- it's Fiesta (again!!) in one of the neighbouring villages, and on Fiesta days the men gather together to go hunting in the surrounding countryside.There is also the gentle rumble of Boo's snores from the side of the sofa!

I've just prepared a healthy bowl of fruit ( plums, a nectarine and the beautiful little jewel-like seeds of pomegranate) and yoghurt for my breakfast.

There are birds twittering in the trees now and I've just noticed that one of the 'noodles' has blown into the must have been windy overnight.

Once I have eaten my breakfast I am going to make a Banana Loaf to take to a friend who is just out of hospital...and then I'm hoping to get some scrapping's been too  long since I've done any!

The 10 o'clock bells have just started to chime and my Spanish neighbour's chickens have started to squawk...the second lot of bells have our village they are rung twice- once for God and once for The Devil!

Thanks for reminding me just to sit and 'be', ALEXA!

Tanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Your breakfast looks lovely! A nice quiet moment to yourself:)

  2. It's good to have some quiet time to yourself at the beginning of the day.
    Your breakfast looks delicious.

  3. oooh how nice to enjoy your breakfast in the sun! a lovely moment Alison x

  4. Oh, that breakfast looks yummy! I haven't had a pomegranate in ages!

  5. How lovely to be eating breakfast in the sun still! A lovely moment, thanks for sharing :)

  6. An idyllic moment Alison, a very healthy looking breakfast eaten whilst sat in the sun - perfect.

  7. your lovely descriptions of all the sounds make me feel I'm there

  8. What a really lovely moment Alison. I bought a couple of pomegranate's yesterday. I'll think of you when I use them.

  9. That is a really lovely moment xx

  10. I always love when your posts include little bits about your village, Alison. The ringing of the bells is really interesting.

  11. How fascinating, the bit about the bells! I have really enjoyed feeling in the middle of your surroundings, getting a sense of where you live ... That warm sun sounds delightful to me, on this cold, wet and windy morning here!, and I love your keen observation about the 'noodle'. Did you get manage to get any scrapping done alongside the baking? It was a pleasure to see your name in the Linky and thank-you so very much, Alison, for joining in again this month :).

  12. What a lovely moment you shared with us, thank you

  13. Looks like a yummy breakfast & how wonderfully you've recorded the moment!

  14. Your breakfast looks yummy. It was interesting to hear about the bells - I've never heard of that before.


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