Life in the Slow Lane: ONE PICTURE, TWENTY WORDS

Sunday 9 November 2014


Joining in with ABI's monthly meme......

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas .......the Christmas CDs have been brought out and are being played- LOUDLY!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. I heard some Christmas songs in the shops and felt mixed emotions - but secretly did love it!

  2. I'm desperate and I mean desperate to put up my decorations ... I'm such a christmas addict that's it NEVER to early for me ... So let the singing commence x

  3. Oh, this is great! A bit early for me + I only have one I always get out and it is the Christmas CD from Harry Connick Jr. - Bublé is not bad either! I can hear you humming from here :D

  4. no, no, nooo lol well, I can't hear it across the ocean so play away. I'll start listening the day after Thanksgiving.

  5. Hurray for Christmas music!

  6. glad to see i'm not the only one who thinks it's ok to watch and listen to xmas stuff on November <3 Love Buble!!

  7. I really feel the need to take the holidays one at a time, and in the proper order... so I simply can't do Christmas before Thanksgiving!

  8. Fun photo - and here's to celebrating in exactly the ways that are most delightful to us!

  9. I love christmas music but am trying to hold out until December! Buble is a favourite though!

  10. Ooh you've made me want to get my Christmas CDs out now! Xx

  11. Not allowed until December 1st in our house!

  12. Woohoo for Christmas music Alison! Have you bought a new Christmas CD this year? I'm going to get mine out soon:)

  13. I've looked mine out today!

  14. I may have started wrapping presents, but there is no way on earth I could bring myself to play Christmas music in November! December 1st in our house, which is when the Christmas basket makes an appearance, along with Elvis the Elf.

  15. Oh that's a good one there on top. I spied our stash of Christmas CD's in the back of the cabinet today while I was working on clearing some clutter from all around the house. I usually wait to Thanksgiving before I pull them out. We'll see if I hold out another 2 1/2 weeks.

  16. How FUN! We typically don't bring any Christmas stuff out until the day after Thanksgiving, but I'm getting the itch to get started before we head off for a little trip!

  17. Oh my, you are way ahead of me. We'll start the music at our house when we start decorating, probably Thanksgiving Day weekend. Definitely something to look forward to!

  18. Love that box! We have an agreement here - no Christmas music till the Santa Claus parade and it's coming up on Sunday so the box will be getting opened then. :)

  19. Oh my goodness, I am nowhere near a state of readiness for Christmas yet! Some loud music to get me in the mood might be good - you are clearly way ahead here!


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