Life in the Slow Lane: CHRISTMAS CLUB (and ME ON MONDAY)

Tuesday 16 December 2014


Sian from High in the Sky has invited us to share a Christmas story in the few weeks before Christmas....I missed last week but here I am, squeezing two posts into one and with no idea when the next post will manage to be written!

You may have realised I've been back in Scotland, both to attend a wedding (which was such a lovely day) and to bring mum and dad back over to Spain with me, for Christmas.

As I used public transport most of the time I was there, I was looking forward to seeing lots of windows lit up by Christmas trees....I have so many memories of travelling on the bus with my mum and siblings counting the trees in windows in the Glasgow tenements....all of us trying to find the most and squabbling about it as we went along.

You have NO idea how disappointed I was to find so few on my journeys! I know I start my decorating early, but  my mum always said that the folks in Glasgow started putting their trees up in November...well not now they don't ; a sign of the times perhaps, when people are much busier, caught up in the commercialism of Christmas? My memories of Christmas as a child don't seem to have my mum running around like a headless chicken trying to buy the copious amounts of gifts we do today. We all had one 'special ' gift and then our stockings filled with sweets and annuals (how I loved my Bunty annual every year!!). I remember 'smellies' from Aunties (in the form of bath cubes!) and handkerchiefs from grandparents....and we all thought how lucky we'd been.

I did eventually find a Christmas Tree lit up in someone's porch....and though I was disappointed not to have found many more, I was glad that the lack of them brought back such good memories!

As for Me on Monday..well it's not really me at all:'s my dad waiting to get on the plane to get us all back to Spain! 

Me?...I was keeping mum calm, making sure we had all the bags at every stage (not to mention the Passports!) and breathing a huge sigh of relief when we actually got dad in the door of my house without any issues - health or otherwise!!

Hoping the run up to Christmas is filled with good things for you my friends!

thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. great to hear your parents are in Spain with you. plenty of lit trees in windows on my bus route - I do love looking out for them all

  2. Such lovely Christmas memories! And I'm so excited that the trip went well & your parents will be with y'all for Christmas - have a fabulous time! Praying that everything continues to go so well as y'all make new Christmas memories this year!

  3. I think my christmas memories are quite similar [and I loved those Bunty annuals as well] we always got annuals from our grandparents.
    Glad you're all safely 'home'.

  4. Have a wonderful holiday! It will be wonderful to have your parents with you.

  5. Aw, what a lovely surprise it was to find I was able to wave to your dad at the end of this post. I hope you all have a wonderful time together over the holidays. It's going to be an exciting week.

    Yes, I love to peep in at Christmas trees too!

  6. How lovely to have your parents with you this year Alison.I think that Glasgow is without Christmas trees lit up in windows because we have all the lights and trees here! They are everywhere.the whole town is twinkling x

  7. Bath cubes! I'd forgotten all about those. A staple gift from my Aunty. Thanks for the reminder. Have a wonderful time with your parents this festive season x

  8. So happy to see your dad there and looking so well!!!
    I've been following you on FB, so saw he had landed.
    We put up the tree and decorated this week; I've got my Christmas cards to start writing and sending; Henry is home; and Clara finally finished finals.
    So, I guess Christmas is on at our house, too.
    Glad to catch up with you.

  9. Have a fabulous christmas with your parents xx

  10. Glad the trip was successful and that you spotted at least one tree. Have a merry Christmas.

  11. Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas with all your family. Our tree is in our window, but you would have needed to drive in Essex!

  12. Your memories are lovely and so similar to mine. I'm glad you got your parents back we you ok and I hope you had a lovely Christmas together x

  13. So glad to read that your Dad and Mum have made it safely to yours - and well done on making it all possible! I hope you are having a perfectly lovely time together :). And yes, I remember walking along streets as a child and seeing a Christmas tree in nearly every window ...


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