Life in the Slow Lane: ME ON MONDAY......

Tuesday 1 September 2015


Well actually Tuesday......making the most of an overcast day to sit outside with my book!

The weekend? was time with Craig, buying some new garden furniture, looking for a new sofa (unsuccessfully!), booking a trip for Craig and myself at the end of September, booking a flight for mum to come over and generally eating too much kind of a weekend....not to mention being eaten alive by mosquitos- they are really bad this year...i have NEVER had so many bites as I have at the moment!

Hoping you have had a mosquito-free and fun weekend my friends.

As always  sometimes on a Monday (or indeed a Tuesday!) waving especially to SIAN and her merry band of 'wavers'!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Sounds like a very busy weekend! I heard that mosquitos don't like you if you eat Marmite xx

  2. have a great week and hope the mossies subside

  3. Waving back! and hoping the mosquitoes disappear soon..what a torture they are.
    Have a great week Alison..and may your sofa hunt prove successful soon

  4. oooh, where are you off to? Don't forget your mosquito repellent!
    Have a good week x

  5. no mosquito bites but I have been stung by a wasp!

  6. Certainly no Mosquitos here! They'd all drown with the rain lol

  7. I just had to comment about the mosquitoes. It's unbearable here in Tennessee. This was the first year that I hired the Mosquito Squad. They come and spray every 3-4 weeks all summer long. It worked great! But then, you have to decide if it's worth it as it's pretty expensive. Plus, sometimes. the temperature is so darn hot that we don't sit outside anyway. I will probably do it again next year and pay closer attention to the number of times we're actually outside!

  8. pretty safe to say the mosquito's wouldn't like it here!

  9. Sorry about the mozzies! I had some bites when in Atlanta Zoo but nothing at all during 19 days in Texas. A trip in September? Lovely!

  10. There's a body lotion from Avon that is alleged to be an excellent mosquito repellent. I think it is called Skin So Soft. Might be worth a try :-)

  11. Waving back on Thursday! Hope you're having a lovely week & gearing up for a mosquito free weekend!

  12. Certainly more rain than mosquitos here!!!

  13. Minus the mosquitoes, sounds like a lovely weekend! I'm not outside often enough to be bothered. Around here it would be evening when they come out and I just avoid being outside then!

  14. Ouch. not envying you those bites :(. Still, the time with Craig and the planning for the future sounds a great compensation. Happy reading!


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