Life in the Slow Lane: AN EVENING INDOORS.....

Sunday 15 April 2012


...even though the sun is shining outside and my scrapping area is full of sunshine! 


One terrified dog!'s a Fiesta Day here and for the last two hours there have been firecrackers going off every two minutes(or so it seems!)...and Boo practically wants to sit on my head!

I have tried scrapping, but it's another difficult thing to do while you have a dog on your knee! I have given up and come indoors, turned the TV up loud (so she can't hear the firecrackers quite so much)..fortunately, 'PRACTICAL MAGIC' is on -and it's one of my favourite films. So no more scrapping..not that I've achieved much apart from printing off some photos today.

I went to pick a neighbour up from Alicante Airport this morning, and we stopped for lunch on the way home, so it was late before I even had a chance to look at any of  SHIMELLE'S CHALLENGES today...and, like I say. I'm now sitting here with this poor trembling dog on my  lap!

I hope you've had a good weekend, whatever you've done!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Oh dear! I can imagine that being used as a human cushion might curtail any scrapping activities!

  2. Enjoy your day with Boo!! :-) ~ Blessings

  3. awww poor Boo - hope it doesn't carry on for too long!

  4. We have one dog who is terrified of fireworks and loud noises.....and the other one appears not to notice them at all.....and it certainly isn't bec ause she's deaf....she hears a crumb drop from 2 rooms away!!!!

  5. Oh what a shame - glad that Boo has a "mum" who cares enough to sit indoors with her! It's a good job Shimelle has a long deadline this week as I've been out and about with a friend today too - roll on tomorrow's post-housework scrapping!

  6. Aaaw poor Boo! Well it was Sunday so don't feel too bad about not being hyper productive!!

  7. Oh, poor little thing. I've been doing great with Shimelle's challenges and having so much fun.

  8. What a good dog Mommy!!! Give her an extra treat. Those big noises ARE scary!

  9. Isn't is awful how much dogs hate firecrackers. We used to have a lab and she was particularly affected by them. For Halloween we always made sure she was safely inside where she was less likely to hear them. But one year our neighbor unexpectedly set some off and she nearly jumped through a closed window in terror! But the beagle we have now isn't bothered by them one bit. He just lifts his head, sniffs the air a few times and goes back to sleep!!!

  10. Poor old thing! Hope it's all over and done with now

  11. Poor little Boo! I know how scary that can be for a little pooch. Doug's dog used to be the same way!

  12. oh poor Boo! Our dog Merlin is more scared of the noise when he is indoors than when he is outside LOL! Hope Boo is OK and no after effects.

  13. Aww poor boo, my Alfie is the same and it's no fun having a huge Belgian Shepherd on your lap! lol I hope Boo has recovered from all the noise now x

  14. Poor little thing, as our girl has aged, fireworks are really affecting her - I hope Boo regains her nerve soon enough!

  15. We had huge (and very rare) thunderstorms last week and poor Gypsy was so scared!

  16. Poor puppy! Hope he is over the trauma by now! My cats just hide under furniture when they are scared.


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