Life in the Slow Lane: HELLO MONDAY!

Monday 20 August 2012


This week I'm saying:

HELLO to a (much-needed) pedicure this afternoon

HELLO to a haircut for Boo 

HELLO to a haircut (and colour!) for me

HELLO to a funeral at some point.....a lady I met through the Slimming Club died suddenly yesterday- she was a lovely lady and everyone has been left stunned.

HELLO to the possibility of seeing Craig by the end of the week

HELLO to having the fan in the living room on constantly is just too hot to sit outside, or in the Naya (sunroom), so unless I'm in the pool I'm hiding indoors much more than ever! We do have AC, but I hate it..would much rather have the fan!

HELLO to doing as little housework as possible..for the same reason!

Whatever you're saying 'Hello' to this week,I hope there's something fun/relaxing in there for you

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Although I don't really enjoy going to the hairdressers, a cut and colour is always guaranteed to put me in a good mood by the time I'm finished - have a good one1

  2. I am so in need of a pedicure maybe I'll work that into my week :) Sympathies for the loss of your Slimming friend and prayers for her family. Seeing Craig this weekend will hopefully help the week fly by!

  3. I like the sound of as little housework as possible! I agree with you on the fan versus air con debate, I prefer the feel of a gentle breeze to just a cooler room.
    Sorry to hear the news of your friend, it takes a while for the shock to wear off when something like that happens.

  4. Sounds hot! We are finally having some cooler temps here.

  5. Such a mixed bag there - hooray for hair appointments and pedicures.

  6. Oh I'd much rather be having the pedicure than going back to work today. Hope it was relaxing.

  7. Yes....little housework sounds very good.

  8. Gypsy desperately needs to get trimmed as well.
    Hope your Craig makes it home soon.

  9. a pedicure and haircut just what i need too xx have a good week!

  10. I do as little housework as possible what ever the weather! Have a lovely week x

  11. I'm actually saying Hello to slightly lower temperatures - in the high 80s, low 90s this week instead of over 100. The mornings are in the 70s, which is just heavenly with the sunshine!

  12. I can't believe you hate the aircon - I love it!! I have to have it for scrappying as the fans blow everything about. So sorry to hear about your friend dying suddenly. Can't wait to see the new marbled nails - sounds ever so glam~!

  13. Like, Helen, I so enjoy my AC!! So sorry to hear about the unexpected death of your friend. I do hope you get to see Craig this week. I'm looking forward to scrapping tomorrow with friends. ~ Blessings, Tracey

  14. Hope Craig made it home before the end of the week. Oh a fan sounds so nice - sometimes AC just doesn't do it. We've even used our fan out on the deck just to move the air around.


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