Life in the Slow Lane: SIMPLY A MOMENT

Thursday 26 December 2013



The dogs in the house in front of us have started to bark loudly...I think it is probably the wind that's upsetting them. It has been an incredibly windy 24 hours...but at least we've not had the flooding that the south of England has experienced. Boo, surprisingly, doesn't seem at all fazed by it and is lying on the tiles at my feet, snoring gently.

I have just finished a cup of coffee (from the cup given to me as part of my Christmas from Kirsty- it may be my favourite present this year!)

Craig and I have just not long come back from the airport, where we saw Kirsty off on her return to Newcastle.....she doesn't seem to have been here for long enough, but she is due at work tomorrow. To be honest though, she would have been quite happy if the weather had caused her to be delayed for a day or two...but no such luck...I have just checked online and the fight is en route!

I reflect on the last couple of days and how much pleasure I have had in us being together, but yet have had so many of our UK family and friends on my mind....did we do the right thing by staying here, or should we have gone back for Christmas?...have I been selfish in just wanting the three of us together this year?.....I could go on questioning myself and my motives,but the reality is that there is only so much one can do in any given situation and I felt it important that we have this time together.

I am aware of an insistent BEEP! BEEP! In the background, and realise the washing machine has finished it's cycle...onward and upward!

With thanks once again to ALEXA for encouraging us to stop, take a moment and think!

Hoping you and yours are having a wonderful Christmas!

Thanks for dropping by!
take care of you
Alison xx


  1. It sounds like you had the perfect christmas for you.

  2. It sounds like y'all needed the time together - it's ok to take time out some years! Hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas.

  3. You do make frequent trips home so I think it's perfectly okay for the three of you to have a Christmas at home and to enjoy it. I love the new cup!

  4. You've been back and forth a lot this year so don't feel guilty. Pleased to hear you've had a great time together x

  5. I think you just needed the 3 of you time. You've gone home a lot this year so don't feel guilty about wanting Christmas with just the 3 of you.

  6. So glad that you managed to have that time with just the three of us. Every year I feel slightly guilty that we don't do much but stay home together and every year I remind myself it is important to have some time to do just that. Hope K is home safely!

  7. Glad you had a lovely time just the 3 of you. Sorry Kirsty had to go back so quickly! I love the cup, it's gorgeous!!!

  8. We usually end up spending most of Christmas Eve and most of Boxing day on the road travelling to be with wider family, but the days we get to spend together, just us, are some of my favourite of the holiday. You need time together at Christmas

  9. Sometimes you need to relax and refresh so you are able to better give to others. As I've read your blog this year, I've often wondered how you manage to do it all--family commitments, visitors, volunteer work, the house, etc. I'm glad you've had a bit of a break. Wishing you the best for 2014.

  10. That cup is so lovely- I can see why it is your favourite.Time together is so important. Glad to hear you had a lovely Christmas.

  11. So glad you had a lovely Christmas Alison. I always wanted just one Christmas with only the 5 of us . Good wishes my friend for 2014. J x

  12. That is a lovely mug. You have done so well in visiting your family this year and helping with your dad. Don't feel guilty about enjoying a little quiet time nesting with your nearest and dearest. Henry's here until Sunday, and I will be quite sad to see him go.

  13. This has been a lovely read - so tranquil with that beautiful cup and saucer, and a real sense of rest and peace for the three of you oh, four including Boo?), despite the howling winds outside. I am hoping you have been able to let go of any guilt-laden expectations - your dedication to your wider family shines through in the many miles you cover and the many days of companionship and support your presence has offered them this year. A little bit of close family time sounds just about right! Thank-you so much for joining in again this month, Alison, and this comes with warmest good wishes for the New Year.


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