Life in the Slow Lane: Meet my Kindle

Sunday 3 April 2011

Meet my Kindle


Yes, I have a Kindle- bought for me for my Birthday a few months ago, by DH.

I  know that, like me, there are many avid readers out there. I have always been a reader...I remember going to the Library with my mum and taking out as many books as I was allowed- then finishing them  all on the same day. Then I would have to wait until mum had read her books before we went back. I loved it when I was old enough to go on my own!  

The first series' of books I got addicted to was Enid Blyton's 'Secret Seven' and 'Famous Five'. I then moved on to 'Mallory Towers' and 'St Clare's'. Following on from these was the "Chalet Girl' series by Elinor M. Brent Dyer.....all very different to what teenagers read now! ( No vampires in those days,,,though I'm making up for that now- I LOVE the 'TWILIGHT' series!)

As an older teenager ( apart from the books we had to read for O'Level and Higher English) I discovered the Historical Romance...Catherine Cookson, Georgette Heyer et al.  I think I may have sickened myself, as it's a genre I'm really not 'into' now.

Now, I would say, my preferences are murder/mystery (James Patterson, Harlan Coben and J D Robb), some Rom/Com (I love the Sophie Kinsella 'Shopaholic' books) and really anything else-  except Historical Romance!

I tell you all this, so that you know that I AM a 'real reader'  ...and that I have always loved BOOKS- and this is why I feel almost like a traitor, having a Kindle. 

I still can't get used to actually using the Kindle for reading books...but I DO like it for listening to them. I never imagined that I would become a listener of books, but I do so before going to  sleep-I find I am more likely to stop listening when I'm tired, whereas if  I read in bed I find it hard to do so( don't ask doesn't make sense to me either). I also like to listen to books when I am sitting in the sun ( you can laugh here!) because I don't get big white marks round my eyes from my sunglasses!!

I have concluded that I still like a book  in my hand when I am reading-on planes, trains etc.- and I can't see me giving up books completely, but I am definately not as anti-Kindle as I was a few months ago.

This is the list of books I have on said Kindle at the moment

Thanks for dropping in
Take care of you!
Alison xx


  1. Yay, a fellow Chalet School fan! I have almost the entire collection (including all the 'connectors' - La Rochelle series and such like) and regularly re-read them even now :-)

    I got The Doctor a Kindle for Christmas, and he loves being read to as well. He prefers the female voice setting. SHould I be worried do you think?! ;-)

  2. I am definitely a reader, too. I borrowed my friend's Kindle for a week to see how I liked it. It was just too different for me, I like the feel of a real book. However, I didn't think about listening to the book - DH and I like to listen to audio books when we travel. Something to think about - thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  3. I loved the Chalet school books - collected as many as I could. There was also a set of book that my Mum started me reading which was about twins with red hair. I am going to have to try and find out what those books were now.
    Thanks for reminding.
    And I had a fab time at the concert - thank you :0)

  4. I love real books but I too have a kindle. I grabbed a whole load of books that were either free or £1 each a while back and have a load to work my way through. Like you I have the cover for it and I've gotten quite used to holding it to read from. I tried listening to it but haven't used it enough to know if I like or dislike it yet. I also use to it play 'games' like solitaire etc on and that works quite well but you do need the wi-fi connection for it to work. I'm glad I have one and think that come holidays my suitcase will thank me for it.


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