Life in the Slow Lane: Summer's coming!

Sunday 10 April 2011

Summer's coming!

Last week I was writing about Spring....and suddenly Summer seems to have arrived! Yesterday it was 30 degrees in the shade, with not a hint of breeze until late in the day, while today it felt slightly cooler ....due mostly to the breeze that was missing yesterday!

I know it's really hot when I have to resort to wearing this:

Yes, it's sarong time! I have a variety of these that I wear round the house and garden( it's a bit like wearing your nightie all day, actually) and only wear real clothes if I'm going out or if I have 'company'. 

I even thought about going in the pool, but on checking, this was as far as I got

It  was beautifully cool on the feet...but the Winter chill isn't off it yet and there were no other bodyparts being submerged today!

Instead, I scrapped a little- making a LO for the ongoing 'A-Z of ME' challenge over at Scrapbook Challenges. The challenge for the letter 'K'  was to make a layout about your relationship with your kitchen, WITHOUT using any photos.

 I had struggled with this LO, but after reading  Stacey's post earlier today, about much the same  subject, inspiration set in- so thanks Stacey!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. I really like that - may have to have a look at this challenge over the hols :0)

  2. :o) The weather is warming up here too, but still too cold to go into the pool!

  3. we are not quite as roasty toasty here in Turkey, but getting warmer.

    I'm just getting back into BFS now that i can read blogger again.

  4. so lucky you get to wear your warm weather outfit :)

  5. Congrats on getting that layout done & dusted!! Challenges are great for forcing us out of our comfort zones! I love my granite worktops - they are black & shine up fine with a damp cloth! I so agree on the cooking - bleh...

  6. How cute are those die-cuts! I love the idea of an A-Z of me so I'll go check it out. Perfect papers for the subject too.

  7. Yes, I can see why you like this post :) Weather here has gone from toasty warm to rather chilly again!

  8. I understand this being your favorite. I love the heat and summer so I'm excited when it warms up!

  9. Yes I can see why you like this post - I like it too. Love the LO without a photo - very cool. J x

  10. Love that nail polish color. It reminds me of spring.


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