Life in the Slow Lane: Challenging myself....

Sunday 22 May 2011

Challenging myself.... find something to scrap about, every day this week....and do the scrapbooking the same day!

 Thanks to this post by Amy, I have decide to try to find something in my day, that's 'worthy' of a scrapbook page. As I explained to Amy (or tried may have come over as one of my gobbledygook emails!), life here can be so slow that , unless I have visitors not very much actually happens....and then it would be rude to sneak off to scrap. Because of this, my scrapping tends to be of the recent past (as people leave) or longer ago (because there are so many photos still 'waiting' on my PC!!).

But this week I'm going to try to be more aware of what I do do in my everyday life and find something to scrap about every day (and I don't have any exciting plans to cheat with-promise!).

This will either make for a really boring week of blogposts, or maybe I will realise that there is more to my slow life than I think. 

I'd be glad if anyone else feels like joining me...if you just want to see if I've succeeded with my personal challenge, this is where you'll find me.

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care
Alison xx 


  1. Looking forward to seeing the pages of your 'boring' days,Alison!!

  2. I think it will be fab to see what you get up to in a week, and to see the differences just because you're over in Spain. Oh just out of curiosity, is it warm over there at the moment??? Its just been the coldest May ever so far here!!!!

  3. I think that is a great idea - don't think I can join you as work is manic which is why I have been so quiet but may have a go next week when I'm off. Looking forward to it.

  4. You could make a mini-book, with a theme centred around your daily life - such as the week's dinner menu ("A Week of Gorgeous Grub"?!), the daily chores (I know they are "boring", but they still need to be done and maybe you could look for an interesting photo angle for one job per day?), the family's routine - getting up, dressed, breakfast, out to work/school etc, the mess left behind, the huge laundry pile, the peace of the afternoon, the chaos when everyone erupts through the door.. you know, that kind of thing?
    Every life has its interesting parts, even if you live "In the Slow Lane".
    Don't spend too much time and energy wishing for "something to happen" - you may get what you wish for!

  5. I think your life in a place different to where I live is fascinating - that's why I come to visit :) so I'm looking forward to seeing your pages this week.

  6. I loved seeing everyone's BBFS photo days, so I'm sure that a LO a day of an aspect of your slow life would still be fascinating - and worth recording (and possibly contrasting with a "week" from your old life). However even if I managed a LOAD as some people seem to be attempting for May - I have SO many photos in my "to-scrap" pile that I'd feel guilty doing more current ones!

  7. Just remember that what is 'boring' to you is a fascinating insight into life as an 'expat' living in sunnier climes to us! Please do share your days, even popping to the shops is more interesting when it involves a local Spanish market rather than Tesco.

  8. great idea, having moved countries recently I really appreciate my everyday photos from NZ because things are different here in UK, and it is easy to forget little details

  9. If you have so many older photos to scrap why worry? Nothing much exciting happens in my life either but I reckon I already have enough scrapping fodder for a lifetime! Looking forward to what you come up with though...are you going to try 12 x 12's? I tried this for the month of December a few years back, with Shimmelle, Journal Your Christmas class - and I saw that 12" layouts were too ambitious to make a daily exercise but I could have coped if I went for 8" or a mini-album/art-journal type format. Enjoy the week ahead!

  10. I love your challenge to scrap the everyday :) Somehow I don't think your week will be boring as I think these types of challenges make us appreciate the everyday! Look forward to seeing what you got :)

  11. I think my life is slow and boring sometimes, too, but then I look back over my calendar for the week and wonder how I got it all done. LOL Great challenge for the week!


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