Life in the Slow Lane: An Anniversary and a LO

Wednesday 6 July 2011

An Anniversary and a LO

 When we were teenagers, DH and I 'ran about' in the same crowd......there were four of us girls and about six boys ( the boys numbers changed quite often, depending on who was playing football at the time, but the core six remained the same!). I had been pining over DH (as he would become) for months.....I was totally love-struck (and I'm sure many of  you can  remember the intense feelings of a 15 yr old!) and driving my friends mad!

We had flirted with each other, and I remember trying to find ways for the two of us to end up sitting or walking next to each other at every opportunity (actually I cringe when I think about some of it!!), but nothing ever 'happened'!

Until the 6th July, that is! We had all gone into Glasgow on the bus.....I can't actually remember what we did when we were there (it was usually Record and Sports shops when we were with the boys, though I'm sure we managed 'Chelsea Girl' as well!), but we had left it late to catch the bus back ( it was World Cup season, and we had to be back for the next match).We  were all running along the busiest road in Glasgow, when DH grabbed my hand...and didn't let go all the way back on the bus ( I was in heaven....swoon!!!) ...and that was how we started.

Thirty seven years, two children and the highs-and-lows of life later, we are not quite in the place we might have expected to be.......but we are still holding hands, and my life still only feels 'right' when he's with me.

The following LO has nothing whatsoever to do with the above....but I rather like how it turned out, and- until  I remembered the date- was what my post was going to be anyhow.

There's a Challenge over at Let's Scrap, to use any Fancy Pants items and make a LO  based on any LS sketch...and there's a yummy prize.

On looking through my stash I found some FP  'About a Girl'  papers from last year, and some 'Key Lime Pie' rubons, (which are quite a few years old I think). My brother had sent me the photograph, at the weekend, of his youngest daughter at her horse-riding lesson. I love getting photos of my nieces and nephews....I don't see them often enough!

I used the left-hand side of this sketch....though turned it  to suit the photo.


Thanks for dropping by!
take care of you
Alison xx


  1. That's a really lovely story :)

  2. A lovely 'anniversary' to remember.

  3. awesome saying on the page.

  4. What a lovely anniversary story!!

    Cute layout, too - those papers worked perfect with that photo.

  5. A lovely story ~ happy anniversary!

  6. Sweet, sweet, sweet story Alison
    It does deserve a page too - have you scrapped it already?

    Good luck with the contest - it's a lovely page.

  7. What a lovely story to read this morning and to make me smile on my way to work. Thank you Alison.

  8. I loved reading your Love Story & love this cheery page with that gorgeous photo!!


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