Life in the Slow Lane: Passing the Book.....

Friday 29 July 2011

Passing the Book.....

I was lucky enough to receive this book from RUTH, on the premise that, once read, it should be passed on via my Blog.

I have to say it is one of the best books I've read in a that I was sorry when it came to an end. It takes you through the whole spectrum of emotions...sometimes funny, sometimes sad, often thought-provoking. I really liked the way it was written, looking at the lives of two friends over twenty years...but only on one day each year. You are left to  'fill in the gaps' (though sometimes the following year's chapter helps). 

My friend's daughter, Jennifer (who is one of my houseguests this week), has told me the book has been made into a film, so I shall be interested to see how it 'translates' from the book.

Spookily, when I was talking to DD (who is still in Morocco) last night, I told her I was just finishing this really good book, and it turned out to be the one she read on her flight there! She had told me at the time that she had just started a book, which she reckoned I would like we ended up having a good old natter about it!

If you fancy a chance of being the next person to receive this 'must read' just leave me a comment, telling me your last 'good read'. I will pick a winner on Wednesday 3 August and post it on to you (no matter in which part of Blogland  you live).

On a different note, this has NOT been a good WW week! I put on almost blaming it on my visitors...too many meals and drinks is, of course, nothing to do with my willpower!  Talk about the rollercoaster of life.....I am most certainly on the rollercoaster of dieting!!  Oh well, onwards and upwards downwards!!

Have a great weekend, and remember to leave a comment if you fancy a good read!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. That does sound like and interesting book, and I'd love to participate in the read-along if that's OK. And speaking of books that have been made into movies, I'm looking forward to seeing "The Help" which will be in theatres in the U.S. in mid-August. Have a wonderful day!

  2. At least your WW journey is mostly down :-) If mine were a roller coaster you would get sea sick!!!!!!! LOL Chipper

  3. Oh that sounds like a good book! I've just read Stewart McConie's Hope and Glory, which is a great read! It's a history of Britain in the 20th century and examines one day from each decade, when a big event in our history happened. Interesting to see which events he chooses!

  4. Sounds like an interesting book! I'm always up for a good read.

  5. Oh dear sorry you are up again! At least you check yourself all the time!! I started a new diet at last & lots 1.5kgs in 10 days so am pretty inspired!! Please don't let me win the book - no time to read LOL!!!

  6. That 2lbs will soon come down again I'm sure! It's only if there's another 2lbs next week that you need to worry!

    I'd love a chance to read One Day - especially a World Book Night edition!

  7. Just re-read and realised I was meant to tell you my last good read ... it would have to be Audrey Niffenegger's Her Fearful Symmetry - fascinating ideas about life and death in there ... or possibly Tess Gerritsen's Gravity - topical as it's all about shuttle flights to the space station ... or maybe even Jo Nesbo's Snowman for being scary!

  8. hey Alison, don't put me in for the book, wanted to thank you for helping me celebrate my blogoversary (I thought u were already a follower too lol) My weight loss as beeen halfway been put back on, all my summer travle has me making poor choices and not having my needed exercise routine. We know what to do so we'll get back on track ;)

  9. Hang in there on the WW! Thank you for visiting my blog :)

  10. I am enjoying a series about a Mage called Aurian - very Harry Potter - by Maggie Furey. This sounds like a good one. Enjoy x

  11. Have I missed out? It is Wednesday here... but I would like to be added if you have not picked yet :):)


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