Life in the Slow Lane: Passing the Book.....

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Passing the Book.....

Early last week, I  received some 'Happy Mail' from the lovely Melissa

I wasn't at all sure about even putting my name in the draw for this book...'art' isn't my thing at all....but after reading Melissa's review before she passed it on, and because I wanted to take part in  Ginger's Mail Art Exchange #2, I thought I'd try my luck. And I was lucky...I was the 'chosen one'!

The book is a feast for the eyes, but I was glad to discover that Mail Art can be as simple - or as intricate- as you want it to be! I was probably more worried about the strange looks I might get on trying to post an item, but, on actually creating a piece (and forgetting to photograph it before it went!) and taking it to be posted, not an eye was batted!

If you would like a chance to be the next recipient (the only 'rule' is that it must be passed on via your Blog to another interested party), please leave a comment at the bottom of this post. I will draw a winner on Monday morning from all the names I have by midnight(GMT) on Sunday...and I'm happy to post to whichever part of the blogosphere you live in. For more info on 'Pass The Book' , please see Sian's Blog.

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. That looks like a lovely book! Don't add me to the draw though as postage to & from here is a bit of a killer!

  2. I am so glad you enjoyed the book Alison! I was surprised at how simple or complex a Mail Art piece could be and have had fun decorating my mail these days!

  3. I've loved the look of this book - have followed it around the blogs! Please put my name in the draw - thank you!

  4. I'm thinking of joining ht email art exchange, so I'd love to have the book. Thanks for the comment left on my blog. In point of fact, my DD tells me I'm not a proper Mom because I take photos ALL the time of weird things!

  5. Hope I'm not too late to be put into the draw!

  6. Oooooh, pick me, pick me!!! I have been dying to check out this book and my library doesn't have it!!! After just joining my first mail art exchange, I want to learn all about it!!!

  7. I know I am too late for this book but can you tell me where it went so I can follow it and sign up when I catch up with it?


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