Life in the Slow Lane: More Snippets

Monday 31 October 2011

More Snippets

Hope you're all enjoying Halloween. Neither Boo nor I are dressing up, but I have dressed the 'twig tree'!

Halloween in Spain is very different from the US or UK celebration....for a start it lasts for three days which are collectively called 'DIA DE LOS MUERTES' ( literally 'day of the Dead'), and is very much about remembering the dead. Things started today , with many people visiting family graves with flowers and wreaths...the Police were actually out  directing the traffic around the local cemeteries today! Tomorrow is 'Dia de Los Santos' (All Saints Day), which is a National Holiday and is a highly religious day, remembering Catholic Saints and martyrs...there will be several masses in the village Church tomorrow. Wednesday sees the ACTUAL Dia de los Muertes, when family members are remembered and the living celebrated by special meals and more Church Services.

There is no dressing up or 'Trick or Treating' (except by the ex-pat community), although the children ARE off school for two days! 

One  Halloween sticks in my mind, but you will have to  wait for Sunday to  find out why, as I'm keeping it for STORYTELLING SUNDAY over at SIAN'S ....see you there?

Thanks for dropping by!
take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Love your twig tree, it looks brilliant. My two were not bothered at all about Halloween this year:(
    We've never been at home on the night before, in this house, so didn't know how many trick or treaters to expect. So far a grand total of zero!

  2. I love your twig tree. It's so nice to hear other customs. Can't wait for Sunday now to hear your story :) xx

  3. I always enjoy reading about how things are different around the world, so interesting. However, I have to admit that I'm glad we don't have water running down our walls when it rains! :>)

  4. its interesting to learn how other countries celebrate. We've been out tonight trick or treating, it's huge in the village.
    All your different pumpkins on the tree are lovely xx

  5. Africa has never bee into Halloween (every day is nightmarish enough LOL!) thank Goodness - I would not like to make celebrating evil (all the scary stuff) into a fun event as they do in the States but I don't think many of them really realise what they are doing and rather look at it as a Fancy Dress Party!!

  6. a lovely twig tree and I enjoyed learning what ya'll are doing this time of year :)

  7. Interesting to know about the traditions for Halloween where you live, Alison. Living close to the Mexican border, the traditions in Spain sound very similar to those in Mexico.

    LOVE your sweet little twig tree!

  8. I've been looking forward to reaching this post and finding out a bit more about Spanish customs! it does indeed sound totally different.

    We had a steady trickle of Trick or Treaters. The six year old Elvis was my favourite!

  9. I love dressing up trees like that - yours looks great! I like the sound of your festivities better than Trick or Treating. I like to celebrate it the Pagan way - its the day when the veils between the worlds are at the their thinnest so its a great day to feel close to loved ones who have passed on. Hope the weather is better for you now!

  10. Love how you have decorated your twig tree.

  11. I've loved your recent posts Alison, it is very interesting to learn about customs in other countries.
    Glad to hear the water is not out of control and that you have adopted 'Spanish' time!

  12. I rather like the idea of the day of the dead for remembering departed loved ones.
    Halloween was quiet this year - we didn't decorate so received fewer trick or treaters than normal :o(

    Hope you are drying out now!


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