Life in the Slow Lane: The Rain in Spain

Saturday 29 October 2011

The Rain in Spain

Just so that you all realise that not everyday is wall-to-wall sunshine here

the mountains are covered in low cloud

the pool is almost overflowing

and the normally-dry riverbed in the next village looks like this!

It has been like this (and worse!) for twenty four hours and I have water running down my living room and utility room walls, but we still have electricity-which means I still have the Internet (YAY!) and light to get some scrapping done later....once I have finished watching  Season Six of 'Grey's Anatomy' , which I have been glued to for said twenty four hours!!

Hope the weather's better where you are, and that you're having a good weekend!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx 


  1. Gosh - that doesn't sound good! Hope it calms down soon xx

  2. You have more rain than us, but less than Bangkok! Hope you get some respite before the pool overflows!

  3. Goodness Alison, that river bed looks a bit scary! Hoping it stops soon xx

  4. We have had the same for about three quarter's of this week and it's supposed to be storming tonight but has actually stopped great for the gardens though!

  5. Wow, that is wet! We are enjoying beautiful weather in Arizona this weekend. It's finally cool enough to open windows and doors - I love this time of year. Wish I could send you a little sunshine.

    Have fun scrapping! :o)

  6. Hope you are keeping dry! My Mum and Dad live near Alicante and Mum says they've had rain for the last 4 days! She doesn't mind as it means its cooler and she can be inside making her Christmas cards!!

  7. Oh my...water running own your walls doesn't sound good - hope the weather brightens for you soon.

  8. Wow- that's a lot of water! It's yucky here too. A great big winter storm barreling up the east coast USA. It's been alternating between snow, sleet, and rain here for hours. Yuck. I've lived here for 15 years and never seen snow in October! I'm feelin' your weather pain today...

  9. water running down your walls normal for when it rains? 'cuz you seem very calm about something that would have me climbing said walls! Hope your skies turn sunny again soon.

  10. It's not the pool overflowing here, it's the river! Lots of places here have been on the news this week because of the flooding. The weather continues to get stranger and stranger..

    Hope your sun comes back soon!

  11. Oh dear Alison! Don't like the sound of water running down your walls! Hope it stops soon. Take care


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