Life in the Slow Lane: Something New......

Thursday 24 November 2011

Something New......

.....for me at least! This afternoon I have been to collect my new glasses...and they are my first pair of varifocals! 

After hearing lots of horror stories, I wasn't sure about what to expect. However, in the few hours I've been wearing them I've been fine..until I came on to my Laptop! I am really struggling to change between looking at the keyboard and the screen, and to get the distance it needs to be away from me! I feel a bit like a nodding dog, trying to focus .....I am really hoping I get the hang of it soon.

I haven't tried scrapping with them will be tomorrow before I try them out for that!

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you in the USA!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. I am on my 4th lot of varifocals and I love them. Hope you do too very soon

  2. Oooh they do sound a bit complicated! Hope you get the hang of them!!

  3. I'm sure it wont be long before you get the hang of them.

  4. I got my first pair of varifocals a year ago. Spent the first week convinced they had put the wrong lenses in! Was just about to go back to the opticians when suddenly I realised what I was doing wrong. It's all in choosing which part of the lens to look through for different distances! Give it a few more days and you'll wonder how you managed before them!

  5. Sounds like everyone else loves I'm sure you'll soon get the hang of them....though I find even my bifocals give me the 'nodding dog' problems on the computer!!!!

  6. Good luck Alison, my FIL got some recently and could totally relate to your nodding dog remark!

  7. Hope you'll get the hang of it soon!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  8. You'll soon be used to thema and the world will be so much brighter and clearer! Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes :)

  9. Sounds familliar - I seem to have a period of adjustment each time I get a new pair. But well worth it

  10. My friend and I were just talking about whether we are ready for these the other day. There does seem to be an annoying adjustment period with them - I hope you get used to them soon because they tell me it's worth it.

  11. Don't hesitate to go back to the optician if you continue to have problems with your new glasses. Sometimes the line is the tiniest bit too high (or too low) and the lenses need to be redone.


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