Life in the Slow Lane: NOW I can think about 2012!

Monday 16 January 2012

NOW I can think about 2012!

Now that my JYC pages are complete, I feel I can think about this year at last. 

At the back of my mind for the last few weeks, has been what word to have as my One Little Word (OLW)  for this year.  

For 2011 my word was 'EFFORT' (and I shall write a post on how I got on with it, later this week) ...I didn't take part in the online course or even keep a written record of how I was doing, but I did find it helpful to have it at the back of my mind (and it popped to the front of said mind on a few occasions, when motivation was a bit low).

A few words have passed through my mind, as I've been reading other Bloggers' words, but I couldn't put my finger on exactly the right word that would reflect my (limited) goals for 2012.

However, on reading Helen's blogpost here about her resolutions for this year (which is well worth a read), I happened upon the word 'ACTIVE', and Helen's reasons for making it one of her  focus words ........and I knew I had found my word!

After checking with Helen that she didn't mind me 'pinching' her word , I have been able to formulate my list of goals for 2012  in conjunction with it. So here they are, in no particular order:

  • to continue being physically active, with my Keep Fit and Line dancing classes ....and get back to walking Boo 'properly' (i.e. not just 'round the block'!!
  • to lose at least another stone (14lbs/6.4kgs)
  • to become more active in our local community....I intend to volunteer to work in our local Charity Shop, and have already volunteered to be part of the 'Front of House' team for our local Theatre Group- in fact my first 'duty' was yesterday, showing people to their seats for the matinee production  of 'Jack and the Beanstalk'! Lots of booing and hissing and good fun!

  • to actively join in with blogging and online scrapping challenges
  • to actively limit my time online (am not at all sure how that one will go!!)
  • to actively make an effort to find some new recipes to keep me on target for losing that other stone
  • to actively support DD as she makes her decisions about her future...this is her final year in Barcelona and she has to decide 'what comes next'-and it's not likely to include staying here in Spain.
Well, now I have 'declared myself' and it's down in black & white......

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx



  1. I like your word and list of goals. Best of luck being active this year!

  2. Sounds like a good word, I can see you running all over Spain ths next year! We will try to actively assist you in your activities.

  3. Good choice Alison - well done for making a start already. When you say "local community" is that the expat community? Is there one? Or are you fully integrated with the Spaniards?

  4. That sounds like a great list of goals to stretch you, without becoming manageable :o)
    Fiona xx

  5. What a great choice Alison! Active is such a positive word and I am sure you will enjoy your new challenges for 2012.

  6. The word perfectly reflects your goals and well done on getting already. Enjoy 2012!

  7. Active is a great word to choose! Last year I went with "Reach" and it served me so well I'm using it all over again.

    Very best of luck

  8. What a lovely positive word to start the year.

  9. That is a great word and some worthy goals, so I will be "actively" following your blog to see how it goes!

  10. I like ACTIVE as your word for the year - great choice.

    I'm working on weight loss, too, and am down 4 1/2 pounds since we returned from our cruise 2 weeks ago. I have a reward planned for myself after another 10 pounds, so that would be a stone, right?

  11. It's a great word to choose, of luck with it.

  12. Great word and solutions...I need to actively construct the time I spend online so it dosen't disappear and I find I haven't done much too :)

  13. a good choice of word Alison - look forward to seeing how you get on.

  14. Active is a great word for 2012. I love your list of goals too :)

  15. I bet it feels great to have JYC done. Good word you picked - and like you community involvement has been on my mind lately too.

  16. You've chosen a really strong word, and one which has so many options. I can't wait to see how you get on :)

  17. That's a great word to choose, Alison. And I love about trying to actively limit your time on line. I say that to myself everyday and wonder why I still don't organise my downloaded photos into albums, or do more creative work. Being online is somewhat addictive though, isn't it?!
    Good luck with your new word.

  18. A fab choice of word for the year, and your goals look really positive and achievable. Good luck with them all :)

  19. I love the reasons behind your choice and that you've made such a good start (and thanks for your kind words too!)

  20. If the colors in the Jack & the Beanstalk poster are any indication of what 2012 has in store for you, you are off to a bright start. Just watch out with all that "activity" that you still have time for scrapping!

  21. Well done on the JYC completion, mine went out of the window on about Dec 6th! Great list of goals, here's wishing you an ACTIVE 2012.

    ** Kate **

  22. Good luck with your list! I just bought a new Slimming World recipe book and I am all inspired again. I think the Christmas / NY / birthday season is so hard to shake off and get back into it. Aside from your daughter possibly leaving Spain, life sounds wonderful for you guys right now! xx

  23. I like the word ACTIVE - so many connotations there - great word - good luck with it!

  24. I love all the permutations you have of your word.


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