Life in the Slow Lane: My Weekend....

Monday 6 February 2012

My Weekend....

...... has been spent nursing a sick doggy...which, I have to say has been as worrying and tiring as looking after a sick child!

She started making choking noises (as if something was stuck in her throat) on Friday, and by that night was coughing up white, foamy phlegm. She was like that on and off all night, but didn't seem quite so bad during the day on Saturday, though I spent a fair part of my day looking at dog's coughing on You Tube trying to work out what might be wrong. By Saturday night though, I knew it was time to call the vet, being fairly sure (from my earlier browsing) that she had Kennel Cough.- even though she's never set foot in Kennels.

Even though it was after 7 o'clock on a Saturday night, he said he would come out to the surgery and meet me there...he is a lovely man, and never refuses to see a sick animal. He confirmed  Kennel Cough (we think she came into contact with it while being groomed the week before) and gave her an injection of an anti-inflammatory drug and an antibiotic.

We had a much better night, and by later on Sunday she was obviously more comfortable, but needing to catch up on her sleep!

Today we have been back to the vet, and had another antibiotic injection. She's certainly on the mend......

......though she has to have one more injection on Wednesday.

Hope your weekend was a bit less worrying.

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Oh it's so horrible when dogs are sick and can't tell you what's wrong. It must have been so worrying, she looks so poorly in the first picture :( I'm glad she's on the mend xx

  2. They are like our babies and it is just as worrying when they get poorly. I do hope your little Boo is well on the mend. xxx

  3. I can imagine the complete panic you must have felt, I'm so glad the vet helped, and awww bless looks like someone mpneds lots of cuddles a little bit of spoiling .... Which I'm guessing happens every day lol

  4. Glad she is on the mend. And what a star your vet is coming out in a Saturday night :)

  5. oh dear, poor little thing, glad she's a bit better xx

  6. Oh poor you. I hope you catch up on your sleep and that Boo is back to normal soon.

  7. Thank goodness for a kindly's so worrying when a pet is ill.Glad there's been such an improvement.

  8. I hope you had opportunity to catch a nap at the same time Boo did. You're probably all tired out too!

  9. I hope you had opportunity to catch a nap at the same time Boo did. You're probably all tired out too!

  10. So glad he's feeling better.

    I spent the weekend nursing Robbie back to health; seems everyone kept coming to work sick last week and he caught whatever virus was going around!

  11. I am glad you caught it do quickly. It is not very nice. I am surprised that the vaccination wasn't included in Boo's yearly shots. I certainly miss vets like that, they are amazing.

  12. Oh, my BIL's dog has recently had Kennel Cough too - it was a big worry. Even though our girl is vaccinated against it, she still had a mild case a few years ago, it is not nice.

    A speedy recovery to you all.

  13. Oh Alison, what an awful, worrying feeling. So glad your little one is on the mend.

  14. So glad to hear she's on the mend. I really hate it when the dog is ill, you can't ask them how thye feel can you?

  15. Oh shame poor Boo! Thank Goodness she is almost all better now!!

  16. What a lovely vet to come out at the weekend, that must have been such a relief. I'm glad she's on the mend now :)

  17. Poor Boo! Glad it was identified quickly and that she is well on the mend now xx

  18. Glad she is on the road to recovery! It is stressful when a pet is sick, they can't tell you anything, just like a baby.

  19. Pleased to hear she is feeling better and responding to treatment. I am sure she is receiving lots of TLC and being made a huge fuss of.
    I hadn't realised they could get kennel cough so easily, I will have to pass that info onto my daughter.

  20. Poor thing! I'm glad to here she is doing well though and being nursed with care :)

  21. ohhhh she looks so pitiful in the first pic but happy and alert by the end

  22. Glad she's getting better - you've got such beautiful photos of her even tho she's been poorly.

  23. The photos tell the story there - I'm glad Boo is looking better in the last one. Glad she's on the mend x

  24. awww she looks wore out....glad to hear she is recovering x

  25. Oh no, just like kids they always get sick late at night when no one is around! Glad all is on the mend now


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