Life in the Slow Lane: SUMMER'S COMING!......

Wednesday 28 March 2012


.....or maybe I should say' Winter's over!', just so as not to tempt fate too much.

How do I know?.....I have gone from



on our tiled floors!

During Winter, the tiles are like ice-blocks but I am now able to walk around barefoot on them- a sure sign that the worst of our cold weather is over! I have mentioned before that Spanish houses are not built to keep the heat fact the exact opposite- so there is no insulation. This means that for about eight weeks the houses are FREEZING, and of course, the lack of carpet doesn't help.  Even with the central heating on for a few hours a day, the houses never really heat up properly.

 I'm not sure whether I'm beginning to acclimatise to the heat, or whether we have had a particularly cold Winter, but this is the first year I have worn a heavy jacket  (outdoors I's not THAT bad indoors!) and thought that I need to stock up on some' winter woolies' for next year!

We can't be sure that the weather has settled quite yet...last year we had dreadful weather over Easter, whilst the UK basked in sunshine, so you never can tell. 

I hope the sun is shining wherever you are today...I know that when I spoke to mum and dad yesterday, even THEY were having sunshine and heat!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Oh yes! We have glorious sunshine here and it makes me feel so much better. I always get more done too! Love your progression of feet photos from cold to hot :o)

    Fiona xx

  2. it's been lovely here too and I like to walk around barefoot, wouldn't dare take a photo of my feet though!!

  3. It's lovely here - not quite got to the level of bare feet yet, but I'm thinking about it!

  4. Happy Little Piggies (ok, so we call toes that on babies in the US, but I guess it kinda sorta means cute?) So Happy Toes! I have graduated to sandals, but we had snow in some nooks and crannies in the garden this am! So, I am pushing my luck.

  5. I'm sitting here blog reading with the back doors flung wide open, and the sun pouring in .... Bring on the summer, I say

  6. Yes today has bathed us in glorious sunshine.

  7. It has been very hot here today and I look forward to bare feet on ceramic tiles in my kitchen when I get in from work!

  8. I've just dug out my summer shoes as definately doesn't feel like March here!!

  9. I know exactly what you mean Alison - we have the exact same situation here - we freeze in winter and I have tiled floors in my office - I call it my cell in Winter!! And no central heating at all. Double volume ceilings and big windows - everything on earth to keep the heat OUT which is perfect for 10 months of the year and bleedin' freezing for the other 2!!

  10. We've had some lovely sunshine here, and some nice walks out, and Alissia has been wearing summery dresses!

  11. Love the photo progression, I really rather be barefooted all the time but I have to wear the correct shoes in our kitchen bec of the tile floors and my knees, I'd have a hard time in Spain or the islands. Weather in North Carolina is sunny, beautiful blue skies and temps in the lower 80s whhhoohhooo ;)

  12. lovely here too although apparently that's going to change for the weekend. Still not flip flop weather though x

  13. We're having lots of sunshine this week & temperatures in the 80s. I'm definitely walking around (inside & outside sometimes) barefoot these days. Lovely weather!

  14. Wow, we're not that far along yet, I'm still at photo #1. But warmer weather is definitely on the way!

  15. I am jealous as I have just started that exact process but in REVERSE!!

  16. Lovely colour on your toenails! I need to get mine done! Enjoy the sunshine :)

  17. It's been glorious here the last week,and I have been having the same thoughts here about changing footwear from boots to sandals.Enjoy your sunshine :-) x

  18. What fun to see the changing seasons via your feet. I never thought of that but you are so right! Hope the sunshine last in your beautiful part of the world.

  19. I've gone through the same transition myself, though I didn't think about it as cleverly as you have! I hope your weather stays nice!


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