Life in the Slow Lane: HELLO MONDAY

Monday 27 August 2012


This week I'm saying :

HELLO to a trip to the airport, as Craig heads back to Germany :(

HELLO to lunch out on Tuesday

HELLO to a morning in the Charity Shop

HELLO to 'passing a book' 

HELLO to getting a layout (which has been lying on my table for a week now) completed!!

HELLO to catching up with some blog-reading

HELLO to a Neil Diamond Tribute act and meal out with the Slimming Club ladies

I do hope you are all saying 'Hello' to something you're going to enjoy doing!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. What an interesting week you have ahead Alison. The Neil Diamond Tribute Act sounds like it will be good fun.

  2. Will the Slimming Club ladies will eat sensibly ... or try to sabotage your efforts?

  3. Glad Craig made it back, even if he does have to go out again! Sounds like you have a lovely week planned. I'm saying hello to Rachel and Joseph getting into their new place later this week, and to meeting Elizabeth's future MIL this evening. I'll be putting together invitations to send out for the Bridal shower which will be on Sept. 10. ~ Blessings, Tracey

  4. a good week ahead then - have fun x

  5. Sounds like a really good week ahead. Enjoy :0)

  6. Sounds like a nice combination of relaxed and interesting busy!!

  7. That's a fun week. Enjoy it x

  8. Sounds like you have a nice week to look forward to. I'm saying Hello to a little slower week (than last week), shopping with a teen I'm mentoring, dinner with a friend, a few books to read, and writing some curriculum.

  9. Looks like a nice week - apart from Craig having to go away. Hope you enjoy your meal :-)

  10. It sounds like you've got some nice activities to occupy your time while Craig's away. Thanks for your email. Paul is doing much better. He just has to stay in-hospital until they finish up the course of antibiotics because they can only be administered through an IV! It was a really bad bacteria.

  11. Hope to say hello to some errands as my class winds down.

  12. So glad that you and Craig got some time together :) I'm saying hello to many prayers for a friend just diagnosed with breast cancer, to continuing the taxi service for the Beast, to fresh veggies from the farmer's market and hopefully to the gym.

  13. sounds like you have some interesting things in store this week; I hope you can say hello to some bargains from the thrift shop!! and saying goodbye to the DH (or SO, in my case) is never fun, but you get to look forward to the Hello! when he gets back, right... just trying to keep it positive. :D

  14. You have a real mix of things during the week while Craig is away - I hope you have a lot of fun at the Neil Diamond tribute night!

  15. I like the sound of the Neil Diamond tribute act! Have a great week!

  16. Lots of things to look forward to in that list! have a great week

  17. I hope you ladies will be good on your evening out! ;-)

  18. I'm saying 'Hello' to you and to as many blog friends as possible - and I'm definitely enjoying that! :)

  19. Sounds like a nice week for you!! I had hubs come back from overseas on Monday & prior to that it was hectic for me here alone with 3 kids during soccer season! Now he's back we all keeled over & got ill but I'm coming out the other side now - yay!

  20. The Neil Diamond tribute concert sounds great--I hope you had fun!

  21. Looks like you had a lot of nice things to keep you busy while Craig was away. Hmmm, a meal with the slimming club - now that sounds good.


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