Life in the Slow Lane: I CAUGHT A TRAIN!!

Thursday 16 August 2012


Not as in "I caught a train to go to..." but for (no surprises here, I'm thinking!) the SUMMER SCAVENGER HUNT being run and organised by RINDA.

Desperation does terrible things to people me! 

As you can tell, I was in the car at the time...AND...I was actually driving! But in my defence, I had remembered before setting off (to Valencia to pick up Kirsty and her friend, last week) that when travelling on the 'coast road' as opposed to the motorway/freeway, I had often had trains pass me...and that on the outskirts of Valencia you actually pass a train station, at which there was sometimes  a train standing. So I  took my trusty P&S out of my bag and kept it handy on the passenger seat.

I had actually forgotten all about the trains, when I saw one stopped at a light on the track....I knew it would eventually start moving again, and I was on the stretch of road where the rail line runs parallel to the road for a good few miles...fortunately it's not a road on which people drive very fast, so I was primed and watching in my rear mirror ..and yay! here it came. Left hand holding the steering wheel, eyes still on the road and P&S in right hand, I just started clicking...and was pleasantly surprised when I looked at the results later!

As I approached the station outside Valencia, I saw there were trains sitting at it and grabbed the camera again...just in case I hadn't actually caught anything previously!...and snapped this on the way past 

Today I have fingers crossed for an angel and a hammock...though I won't have to be doing so out of the car window (hopefully!)

How's your scavenging going? I'm really enjoying what people are coming up with for the prompts!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. I think I'm going to have to do a bit of inventive thinking for train. We don't have many trains round here! You've reminded me I need to get thinking..

  2. I've managed to get a train now - and yes I do Pergamano.I've been doing it for about three years now. I never seem to get the project done in class though!Do you do Pergamano ?

  3. I still have that hammock and angel to find, i have an idea for the train!!

  4. Not only a train, but an action shot of a train! Brilliant! I love how this project is keeping us all on the lookout for things.
    Surely in Spain there must be a hammock somewhere, or you will have to check out playgrounds for a swing in a tree!

  5. I have been planning to do exactly that for the train... shooting out the car window I mean... but haven't managed to be at the crossing at any time that a train was actually coming!

  6. Great shots Alison! They worked out really well:) I've just started doing the scavenger hunt, but have found a few amongst my photos already taken. Will do a blog post soon.

  7. So many fun things to find on your scavenger hunt!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  8. How fun! The story and the photos would make a great scrapbook page!

  9. Great job, although you made me a litter nervous describing driving and shooting at the same time!

  10. I have done the shoot out of the car window thing too - you have to pick a careful moment, but I like the effect.

  11. I just like everyone else scavenging!

  12. Very good job at being prepared for the opportune moment. I am carpooling the beast to his university class tmw and will have time to kill til I pick him up...Amtrak station in that area, state capital, historic markers, churches...this being a Mama Taxi again may be beneficial.

  13. yay for catching your train!! (glad you did it safely!!) and here's hoping you get your angel and hammock- better yet, maybe an angel IN a hammock, lol!!

  14. We have a level crossing at the end of our road and every time I want to get somewhere the barrier comes down in front of me and I have to wait - until the last few weeks when I am ready to take a photo and I haven't had to wait once!

  15. I don't think I'd fancy driving and shooting....but great catch!!

  16. Well done. The train is one of those I dont know where I am going to catch.

  17. Oh, that is funny, but only because you are safe!

  18. Check! that one's off the list.

    Have you thought of your holiday decorations for an angel? I drove past an old cemetery this week and was reminded of the suggestion I made last week and then this one popped into my head. It will be interesting to see what you come up with.

  19. Another good scavenger find! I've been a bit inventive with my train photo!

  20. I have to chuckle at your determination Alison! I've done these types of challenges before & gave them up because they drove me round the bend LOL!!

  21. Atta girl! Nice pics. I have a few pictures taken, but still have yet to do my first scavenger hunt post. Must get on that - before the deadline passes like a runaway train.

  22. It's been too busy for much scavenging lately, but I'm itching to get back to it. I love that you were prepared for the train, just in case!

  23. Oh oh oh - too scary - but well done for getting a decent snap!

  24. Great train shots Alison although I'm like Rinda and worried about the driving and shooting at the same time.


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