Life in the Slow Lane: HELLO MONDAY (ON TUESDAY!)

Tuesday 25 September 2012


This week I'm saying:

HELLO to all you lovely bloggers who sent good wishes for dad's recovery and the upcoming move for he and mum

HELLO to dad gradually has taken till yesterday for us to see any REAL improvement...he's still not breathing without oxygen (although they have lessened the amount he is receiving) and the Physios need to try and get him on his feet again

HELLO to Kirsty  having two wisdom teeth removed (she had this done today and has survived..though is a bit sore tonight!)

HELLO to putting the paintbrushes away by tomorrow and actually beginning to move boxes from here to there!

HELLO to the 'big move' on Saturday

As always, I hope you are saying 'HELLO' to some good things this week

Thanks for stopping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Hello, Alison. I'm so happy to hear that your dad is slowly improving! And your poor girl having her wisdom teeth removed? Ouch!

    Glad to hear you are ready to be done painting. I'm so happy to be married to a professional painter as I have always hated painting walls!

    Take care, dear one!!! xo

  2. Glad your week is looking up a bit. Thanks for the good wishes.

  3. So glad to hear your dad is improving. Hope the move goes well this week.

    I'm saying Hello to a quiet week of paperwork & writing here at home with one day of scrapping with a dear friend thrown in the middle.

  4. Hello, Alison! and so sorry to read of all the difficult things which are happening. Hoping your Dad continues to make good progress and all goes well on Saturday. Best wishes for poor Kirsty - my own DS had two wisdom teeth out last week too. Thinking of you. :)

  5. Glad to hear about your dad's improvement. My sympathy goes to Kirsty....I hate anything to do with the dentist!

  6. If I was there, I'd be happy to tote a box or two--since I'm not, I hope all goes as smoothly as possible.

  7. So pleased that your dad has turned the corner. Good luck with the move.

  8. Pleased there is some improvement and hope that it continues. Good luck with the move. I bet the change in weather conditions has been a shock to the system for you!

  9. Alison, so glad to hear your dad is improving. I hope he continues on this healing path. Good luck with the move. I know it can be a pain! Hugs!!!

  10. It's so good to hear of your dad's improvement.

    Best of luck with the moving!

  11. I'm glad to hear your dad is improving and hope Kirsty isn't too uncumfortable and good luck with the move - take care of you too x

  12. So pleased to hear your dad is on the mend but don't you go overdoing it!

  13. Glad your Dad is improving and best of luck with getting the move sorted. Take care,

    Estelle xx

  14. Gosh, sorry I missed the previous post about your dad. Glad he is on the mend - I hope he continues to get well quickly! Pneumonia is nasty, but people generally recover well nowadays, if treated quickly (looks as if he has been).
    Good luck with the moving plans - hopefully it will make your parents' lives easier - I presume they are moving to somewhere that's easier for them to cope with. It's good that they have you to help them.
    I'm helping my mum a lot just now, as she had a stroke in August. She's ok, but has that exhaustion that affects stroke sufferers and a few other problems that will take time to heal.
    Don't exhaust yourselves! X

  15. Hello to such a busy week that I haven't even been able to get you a goddess. Give me time! I haven't forgotten.

  16. What a busy time for you Alison! Well done for rising to the occasion & so glad to hear that dad is on the mend :)

  17. That's quite the week your family has had. I'm so glad to hear your Dad is on the mend and I hope Kirsty didn't have too much pain and issues with the wisdom teeth removal. Good luck with the move today. Hope you have a good day for it.

  18. Hello Monday to you on ... Sunday - been busy for me too, but not as dramatically as for you. Glad to hear your Dad is on the mend ... hope he continues and that the move was smooth!

  19. I hope the wisdom teeth extraction and move went well. It's the end of my week now, but there were a lot of wedding preparations this past week. :-) ~ Blessings, Tracey

  20. I'm almost a week late, but so glad to hear your Dad is improving and hoping that he has continued to do so.
    Fiona xx

  21. Playing catch up again, glad to hear your Dad is on the mend and fingers crossed for his continued improvement. Hope the move is as painless as possible. I will be thinking of you xx

  22. Oops just realised I am a week behind. Hope everything went well xx

  23. Hope that your Dad is now well on the road to recovery and that Kirsty is feeling better too.


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