Life in the Slow Lane: HELLO MONDAY

Monday 22 October 2012


This week I'm saying

HELLO to my first full week at home for almost a month

HELLO to being back at both Keep Fit and Line Dancing...the toe is still a bit swollen but not causing me pain..YAY!

HELLO to changing my 'twig tree' from Summer to autumn/ Fall /Halloween

HELLO to getting some work done in the garden....a few of my pots need changed and there's some pruning needing done too.

HELLO to SHIMELLE's new class which will hopefully get me back into the swing of scrapping again!

HELLO to 'Passing The Book' later this week

HELLO to sending out some HAPPY MAIL

HELLO to helping to organise three charity events coming up in November

Hoping you have some good things to be saying 'Hello' to this week

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. love your twig tree - great way to mark the change of seasons

  2. Love the tree and the pretty sunshine in the background! Sounds like a fun week!

  3. glad your toe is letting you exercise!!

  4. I'm glad your toe is better - you certainly have my heartfelt sympathy there!!

    I saw that you'd signed up for Shimelle's class, can't wait to see your layouts :)

  5. Love that twig tree! I've signed up for Shimelle's class too! See you there!

  6. You have a bunch of lovely stuff to say hello to. I love your twig tree x

  7. I'm looking forward to some Shimelle inspiration as well.

  8. Sounds like a good week ahead!

  9. I was tempted by the Shimelle class but saw sense with all the other things I have to do at the moment. I love your twig tree too.

  10. Sounds like a good week. I'm in Shimelle's class, too, and am planning to spend some time with the materials & in the forum here in just a little while.

  11. Glad the toe is better enough that you can get back out to your keep fit and dancing. I'm looking forward to seeing your pages in Shimelle's class - sounds like there's a lot of us that signed up for it.

  12. Hello to a great class with my students today.

  13. I love the twig tree - bet it gives you a smile every time you go past

  14. I'm doing Shimelle's class too and I love the look of that beautiful blue sky behind your twig tree :-)

  15. I have a twig tree too! Thanks for the sunshine, it arrived safely and stayed for most of the day!

  16. Hello Alison and to you spending some time at home. Hope you are enjoying Shimelle's new class.
    Sorry haven't visited for a while. Baby arrived early and I am on full-time Granny duties.
    Good to know your toe can dance again! x

  17. Glad your foot is better. Love the tree. I might have to make one too :0)

  18. Love your twig tree! Glad your toe is feeling better and hope you enjoy your line dancing :)

  19. Hi Alison - just waving hi! Hope all is well with you and yours,

  20. I hope you had a lovely time at home this week!! The twig tree is so lovely!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  21. Sounds like you had a good week (now that I am so late in commenting! Hope your toe is completely healed up now!!

  22. I love your tree! Its a great excuse to decorate a little Halloween style without the need to host a full on party!

  23. That sounded like it was a very busy week!


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