Life in the Slow Lane: HELLO MONDAY

Monday 12 November 2012


This week I'm saying......

HELLO to exceedingly heavy rain...resulting in towels lying all over the house trying to soak up the water leaking through the roof!

HELLO to Kirsty coming home on Wednesday ...not sure for how long , but I'm a happy mummy!

HELLO to the opening of the new Drop-in Centre in the village...due to be officially opened by the British Consul on Wednesday (though at the moment we're not certain it's going to happen, as there is a General Strike that day)

HELLO to now holding off shopping for-and preparing- my part of the Finger Buffet for said event, due to the aforementioned reasons!

HELLO to  losing the electricity as I'm writing this!

HELLO to getting my head around Christmas...we have a local Xmas Fayre coming up on Nov 24 and for some reason I've found myself as 'Refreshment Manager'! I'm finding it difficult to focus on my own Christmas prep!!

I hope there are some Christmassy moments starting to sneak into your lives

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. On no! I hope the leaks are not too bad. I guess you are grateful for the rain though. And yes Christmas is creeping in for me ;-)

  2. Hope all your events go well. Just scrolled down to see all those Christmas DVDs! What fun

  3. Oh dear, hope the leaks are soon repaired and you can enjoy having Kirsty back x

  4. I was absolutely thrilled to be invited to my nephews house for Christmas Day this year. After years of hosting meals for 14+ people, it's nice to be 'the guests' this year!
    Sorry to hear about the rain, must be a shock to the system after all that lovely sunshine.
    Enjoy having your girly home for a little while!

  5. Hope that the roof gets repaired soon. I'm not thinking about Christmas just yet!

  6. We have exceedingly heavy rain as well....but at least our roof isn't leaking!! Hope it's fixed fast.

  7. Oh no for leaky roof and dodgy electricity - but hooray for Kirsty on Wednesday :)

  8. Oh I'm sorry to hear that some of your hellos are not that nice, glad that Kirsty's coming home though xx

  9. Oh dear a leaky roof! So depressing! I smiled when I saw the towel. I have towels on the try to soak up the mud from the dogs feet as she tears in past my waiting arms holding another towel to try to wipe them!!!!!
    Have a lovely time with Kirsty.

  10. I love that your Christmas spirit has kept you upbeat even during the horrid leaking roof .... Hello to things getting better, oh so soon :)

  11. I hope the new opening goes well (despite the strike) and I know you will enjoy your time with Kirsty!! I hope the rain stops so you can get the roof fixed!! I'm getting ready to head out to a friend's home to help decorate a Tag Christmas Tree they are donating to benefit our local Children's hospital. Then on Thursday, we are taking our youngest out for an early celebration of her 18th birthday which will be the day after our Thanksgiving. It is so hard to believe our children are all grown up now. Blessings, Tracey

  12. oh no...hope it stops raining soon. It's rained here all day too!! wish i was still on holiday :) enjoy your week and christmas preparations x

  13. Hope you get your roof fixed soon and yes Christmas is beginning to sneak into my life far too quickly!

  14. Oh no, so sorry to hear about the roof leaking. I'm hoping to do just a little Christmas shopping this week.

    BTW - what is a Drop-In Centre?

  15. how annoying to not know if the openign is happening or not - hope it goes well when it does happen

  16. I do hope things dry out soon--who needs more disruption anyway?

    As for Christmas, I'm not prepared to think about it until after Thanksgiving. "One crisis at a time" is my motto!

  17. Hope the electricity comes back - though I'm hoping for the rain to stop dripping through your roof first. Is that a speaker very close to the drips? Hope it all gets sorted very soon

  18. I hope the roof is better and there is no more water leaking!

    I have now found a recipe for my Christmas cookie exchange and yesterday I bought the items I needed. I hope to start making the cookies in the next day or two and freeze them! So little bits of Christmas are definitely popping up around here :)

  19. Hopefully Kirsty can help you get some prep done and get you in the mood. Yuk to the leaky roof though!

  20. Oooh, not good on the leaky roof. I know what you mean about wrapping your head around Christmas! I am totally not there, even in the slightest, and I actually have three local friends who have their tree up already! {Kind of annoying to me, actually, but I digress...} I did a craft fair with a friend a few years ago and it really did get in the way of my own Christmas planning. Here's wishing you a big success with the refreshments, and your own Christmas. :o) xo

  21. I hope you enjoy Kirsty visiting (today) and I also hope your rain stops !!x

  22. I had when our roof leaks. It's so frustrating. I'm trying not to think of Christmas yet, but it's happening. Many houses have their lights up already and there was Christmas music at the grocery store. Hope all your plans work out beautifully.

  23. I am saying hello to you, friend ;) I feel disconnected from my blogging friends and world after being away most of the month. Yay for Kirsty coming home TODAY! I hope the rains have subsided and the leak is repaired. It has turned cold here and I do not like it. What is a drop in centre? Here it would be where you could drop your kids off for a few hours. I am in no way focused on our Christmas, I have strong opinions on not beginning until at least after our Thanksgiving but preferably December 1st. I have been doing some craft fairs so that has made me focus on Christmas business wise.

  24. Boo to the roof and the electrics, but hooray for Kirsty coming home. Enjoy having her there :o)
    Fiona xx

  25. Ooooh Noooooo!! So sorry!!!! We have a leak too - a couple in fact - but only in reaaaaaly heavy rain and they are not that bad!!


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