Life in the Slow Lane: LOOKING UP AND DOWN

Wednesday 16 January 2013


Today I'm linking up with HELENA over at HELENA'S CREATIVE MAVEN,  who is using the theme of looking up and down for her weekly photographic prompt.

We had very strong winds overnight, last night......the evidence of which could be seen when I looked down at the pool this morning!

The wind was still high this morning, and our usually blue sky looked like this:

Unfortunately, the sun has never actually come out today and it's feeling rather chilly...I am really hoping the sun comes back for mum and dad next week!

Hope it's a bit brighter where you are!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Nice up and down shots. The weather there looks very similar to here but I'm guessing it's warmer :) x

  2. I look down and see snow on the ground and I look up and I see ominous grey low cloud that looks like it is full of more snow.
    How I wish I were there looking down at that swimming pool!

  3. Love the tile on your pool. What great photo prompts!

  4. Great looking up and down. I bet you were surprised to see leaves in your pool and that ominous grey sky. Hope the snow that is threatened for the weekend doesn't come your way and the sun shines again for you tomorrow. You see, when it's grey here, I usually think of you basking in sunshine in Spain! x

  5. There's chilly....and there's chilly,Alison!!!! Feel free to swap yours with ours!!!!

  6. Makes me smile when I see a pool ...ahhh bliss. Sadly, I'm looking at a grey sky and a rather soggy Arden

  7. its freezing here Alison -2 on my drive home from school. super photos and a nice shot of your pool x

  8. Great up and down shots Alison. Oooh that sky does look ominous. Here it's gray and cold - a shock to our systems after the last 3 weeks. :)

  9. It's freezing here too but no snow. The colour of the pool is so beautiful, fabulous up & downs.

  10. I can definitely relate... we haven't seen the sun in days!

  11. Gorgeous. I'm drawn to the curved lines in the pool and the way they are mimicked in the clouds.

  12. Despite the leaves, the pool looks very inviting, just ashame the sky doesn't share that same thought!

  13. I think this is all a lot of fun and I love your shots today Alison! Our skies are headed that way too - but it is very hot at the moment ... storms are looming though.

  14. Not brighter here today in fact up had some small little snowflakes floating around...but I know summer is coming at some point!!

  15. What a storm!! Stay safe! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  16. Oh my, that looks chilly ... hoping those clouds roll away in time!

  17. lovely to have you along on the journey - your pool looks so inviting

  18. Great photos. Our weather this past week was gray one day, sunny the next, gray, sunny, sunny. I really don't like the gray days (since all of them are cold right now), but I can stand it as long as there aren't too many in a row!


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