Life in the Slow Lane: HELLO MONDAY.....

Monday 11 March 2013


...and it's ACTUALLY Monday!

This week I'm saying:

HELLO to a  Monday where I actually have the WHOLE day to myself...apart from walking Boo I have absolutely NO commitments...I have made a few phone calls this morning and am going to have a scrappy afternoon!

HELLO to Kirsty starting work tomorrow!...a temporary post, but it may lead to something else :)

HELLO to a 'MURDER MYSTERY NIGHT' at one of the local restaurants ...I've been watching lots of re-runs of 'POIROT'- trying to get 'zee leetle grey cells' working!

image from HERE

HELLO to my first weigh-in, after deciding to  give SLIMMING WORLD a try

I hope my UK friends will be  saying GOODBYE to the snow very soon! 

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Have a great day of doing exactly as you please :)

    ..and best of luck with that job, maybe it'll lead to something permanent

  2. I'm very jealous because your day sounds lovely. Well done to Kirsty and I hope you enjoy the murder mystery x

  3. I think my 'leetle grey cells' may already be past it....but it sounds like fun.

  4. Enjoy your day, make the most of it

  5. You never know when something temporary may turn into something long term so fingers crossed.
    The Murder Mystery sounds fun, I'm a huge fan of things like CSI:NY so I would love to do something like that.
    I can tell you that I am certainly fed up with our UK weather! It is FREEZING today - literally! My car temperature display showed -0.5 when I drove home from work at 1pm and there were snowflakes in the air. Roll on Spring!

  6. I hope you have a wonderful Monday to yourself! Good luck to your daughter and hopefully getting a long term position! And the Murder Mystery sounds totally fun! I'd love to do that sometime.

  7. I've been out with the dog for an hour in falling snow, but at least it's not sticking. Enjoy the MM evening!

  8. Good luck to Kirsty in her new job! Enjoy your scrappy afternoon, and the Murder mystery - sounds fun!

  9. I've just enjoyed a quick look through your blog :) Unfortunately we still have snow here, more this afternoon than this evening and it's lying on the ground. We think we've probably had 5 - 6 inches here in Sussex today.

  10. oooh your day sounded perfect - hope it was very creative for you. Good luck to Kirsty x

  11. Yay for SW! I hope your group is friendly x

  12. I hope you enjoyed your private time. I'm jealous.

  13. And a happy Monday to you! I hope you got some crafting done on a rare day to yourself. I LOVE murder mystery nights. We used to hold them at our house and hire the games from the costume store. We had so much fun.

  14. Hope it was a good Monday Alison - and that Kirsty enjoyed her first day - always better to be working even if it might be temporary! I've never done a Murder Mystery Evening myself ... quite curious about it though!

  15. Oh how delightful - a day to do whatever you want. I hope Kirsty likes her temporary job. You just never know where it will lead. Have fun at the Murder Mystery. The ones I've been too have been a lot of fun.


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