Life in the Slow Lane: HELLO MONDAY...LATE AGAIN!

Tuesday 5 March 2013


Late again...I know! I have a good excuse this week, though...I didn't arrive back from my weekend with a lovely group of blog friends till yesterday.

Without further ado, this week I am saying:

HELLO to catching up with all the jobs I wasn't able to get done (SUCH a shame!) because I spent the weekend here:

HELLO to torrential rain....the wet weather we normally have in February seems to have moved on a few weeks...I keep reminding myself how good it is for the countryside and gardens.

HELLO to having come back from my weekend with lots of inspiration and to getting some serious scrapping done!

HELLO to having everything crossed for Kirsty again.....she has another interview this week - a follow up to one of the ones she had last week.

Here's hoping your week holds a few things to look forward to.

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Fingers crossed for Kirsty too x

  2. I hope the job market is better for her there than it is here. Did you have fun in Blighty? Can't wait to see what you all made.

  3. Sending best of luck to Kirsty.

  4. Good luck to Kirsty! It was so lovely to meet you at the weekend - I read your blog post in your voice today, rather than in Melsh!! xx

  5. Hope you enjoy the rain. We don't get a lot, so I am always grateful for whatever we get.

  6. I hope it was a wonderful weekend. I'm saying Hello to getting lots of little projects done around this house as I'm off for spring break.

  7. Glad you got home safe Alison ... and very best of luck to K with her next round of interviews.

  8. Hello to the lovely birthday present! I love it, although I am worried that Aria will go after when my back is turned. LOL!

  9. It was great to see you at the weekend, Alison. I'm sooo impressed that you came all the way from Spain, just to see us lot!
    Good luck to Kirsty, with her interview.

  10. Fingers crossed from me for her!

    That looks like a beautiful building - lovely surroundings as well as great company then!

  11. Good luck to Kirsty, and glad you had a great weekend. Can't wait to hear more about it:)

  12. Good luck Kirsty!
    sounds like you had a fab weekend, look forward to seeing what you made in future blog posts!

  13. Oh a lovely weekend away and coming home feeling inspired, that's a bonus! Good luck to Kirsty x

  14. Here's hoping its good news for Kirsty .... And by the sounds of it a fun weekend was had

  15. Good luck to Kirsty and glad u had a good weekend

  16. So glad to know that you enjoyed your weekend, Alison. And it's cool to think that puts us one weekend closer to being together. :o)

    Fingers crossed for Kirsty! xo

  17. Now we need to see some pics of your weekend's work!! Love the look of your accomodation!

  18. Hoping Kirsty' interview went well and that you are not too washed away! Lovely to see for you real :).

  19. Sounds like you had a fun weekend (in a gorgeous setting nonetheless!) and it is raining over here right now ;) Happy weekend to you Alison!

  20. I hope you had a great weekend!

  21. What a great reason for being late. Glad you had a wonderful weekend. Fingers crossed for Kirsty.


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