Life in the Slow Lane: LOOKING UP AND DOWN

Friday 26 April 2013


Joining in with HELENA, and a group of other blogfriends, for this week's LOOKING UP AND DOWN photographs....


I spent a boring  thrillingly, delightful hour and a half here.....


......watching both  my own and Kirsty's laundry being washed and was easier than trying to dry it all in Kirsty's flat/ -and time! well spent in my opinion.

! REALLY hope you have looked up and down at more exciting things this week!

Just want to remind you too, that I'm taking part in a PASS-THE-PAGE BLOGHOP on SUNDAY (NOT Saturday, as I said in my previous post)....JULIE'S blog is two years old on Sunday, and to celebrate she asked the crowd of us from the BLOGGER'S WEEKEND to participate in said bloghop. If you are a bit baffled by the 'pass-the-page' bit, please do pop along on Sunday to find out more!

I am off for coffee with a friend now, then checking in on mum and dad...later in the day I'm off to pick Craig up from the airport :) and later again will pick Kirsty up from the railway station....think I may be having something a little stronger than the coffee by tonight!

Have a lovely weekend my friends...hope to see you on Sunday!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. laundrettes seem to be disappearing so great to capture their mundane ness before they go !

  2. Life is full of those mundane things!!

  3. I'm getting that distinctive laundrette smell just from looking at your photos!

  4. Ha, ha! It's been awhile since I've been in a laundromat! Been there, done that! Enjoy your drink of choice this eve!

  5. I last used a launderette in the States on holiday last year! Have a good weekend xx

  6. It sounds like you've been, and still are, busy so I have to agree--the time saved my getting all your laundry done at once is well worth the extra bit it cost. Have a great weekend!

  7. They are a bit of a rarity these days, launderettes. Even the name has a retro ring! Great pairing.

  8. Ahh, the necessities of life! If it is any consolation I am about to clean out my pantry ...

  9. I remember the launderette....lugging a bin bag worth of clothes down the road and finding that a bra was missing when I got back....a proper student luxury in my day lol

  10. Oh goodness, it does seem that looking up and down at laundry is not the best thing that could happen. Of course, it's certainly nice to have it all done in a timely manner, too! I went on another photo date with my friend but forgot to get up and down photos this time! :(

  11. Such a good way to capture the everyday!

  12. Thinking back I don't think I actually ever used a laundromat as the apartment buildings I lived in had communal laundry rooms. I used to hate going down there.

  13. I love this! it is every day life. I also love how Helena's meme is part of our lives behind the lens. My son is going away for a few days next week and he asked which day did he need to send a look up look down picture from Brugge!

  14. Looking up & down is such a good way of looking at the things you use or see everyday without really noticing

  15. Not such a great up and down, it hasn't made me jealous like your photos normally do :) x


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