Sunday 5 May 2013


It's time to join in with STORYTELLING SUNDAY over at SIAN'S PLACE On the first Sunday of every month, Sian hosts an international gathering of storytellers for an event  called "Storytelling Sunday." For 2013, Sian has suggested we pick something which is precious to us, and tell it's story.

This month I have chosen something that I certainly couldn't pick up and run with in the case of a's my garden...or is it actually the time I spend pottering in my garden?

I am very lucky over here, in that I have what I consider to be the perfect-sized garden...not too huge (and NO grass- I HATE cutting grass!!), and not too small.

It is mostly covered in small stones and although there are a few flower beds, I mostly garden in pots.

Not only do I love looking at what is growing in my garden...especially at this time of year- there is something new to look at almost every day......

.....but I love WORKING in the garden. I feel such a sense of peace when I'm out there- whether it be weeding, pruning or planting and I solve many a problem and work through many irritations  whilst doing so. 

My gardens over the years (not just here, but also in the UK) have shared many frustrations and tears, but I have always felt the better for time spent in them.

Funnily enough, mum and dad have only now got a little bit of garden again, after about twenty years of living in flats (apartments) and the garden has been a saving grace for mum while dad's been unwell.

To read about the things which are precious to a whole bunch of folks from all around the world, why not go over to FROM HIGH IN THE SKY- even better, why not join in- you are sure of a warm welcome!

Hoping the sun has shone a litlle bit for you this weekend!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. It's lovely to see another little glimpse of where you live. Its great how you can think things through while you are busy outdoors in the garden.

  2. Oh that is something we share - I need a garden to potter about it. I'm planting in pots, have done since I knew we were likely to move. Have to confess I'm hoping for a slightly bigger than my patio garden at the next house, but will be happy with whatever. Coveting your flowers and sunshine and lovely pots tho'!

  3. I am not a gardener but I can definitely see the peace that a garden can bring. Love your beautiful Mediterranean garden.

  4. What a very lovely space you have created here! I can just feel the warmth rom the stone, and enjoyed the pretty plantings in your pots... Very therapeutic for me too :).

  5. I love gardens but am rubbish at them, so I admire yours greatly :) I am so grateful for my Mum that potters about in ours so happily :)

  6. You do have a beautiful garden. I'm all for growing things in pots--I find it a lot easier to manage. I also dislike cutting grass so your stones and pebbles are a wonderful idea.

  7. it looks really gorgeous in your little part of the world Alison and I love all the bright Mediterranean colours so glad we have had a share of some sunshine this week!

  8. Your garden is beautiful. I agree wit the lack of grass...we will be gravelling our back garden soon. Our house was built on marshland and the dogs have ruined it to mush!

  9. The sun was beautiful here this weekend! Lovely garden - enjoyed your story, definitely something precious!

  10. What beautiful photographs - so full of sunshine!
    I love time spent watering the garden.

  11. Your garden is wonderful Alison. I find the garden a therapeutic place. We have sunshine today on this bh monday so i will be enjoying our garden too.

  12. Love your sunny garden Alison! I too love to potter about in the garden:)

  13. Your photos radiate warmth Alison - and you have a fabulous little garden!

  14. It's beautiful! I'm going to take your lovely photos as my dose of sun for today. Thank you! It's been so dull here all weekend for the Bank Holiday.

  15. Your garden is really beautiful, the light is wonderful and I love your terracotta pots!

  16. I'm not much of a gardener myself, but I do enjoy the containers of plants we put on the deck and front porch each year. We really went a little nutsy with the deck this year!

  17. ROCK STAR POST! I love to garden in containers too! I think it's awesome to see gardens from all over. THANKS so much for sharing that with us!

  18. It's so lovely. I wish I could enjoy gardening - it is ALWAYS at the bottom of my list of ways to spend time

  19. It's a beautiful garden. Mum really enjoys an afternoon wandering around hers, tending the plants.

  20. How very beautiful, you can see how much you love it for how amazing it looks.

  21. You have a beautiful garden. My Mum gardens in pots and as she and Dad are moving house in a couple of weeks to the street where my sister lives they spent Saturday moving all the pots to my sister's house in preparation!

  22. I too love being in the garden

  23. Sounds like a very therapeutic thing for you and the more I read about gardening, or rather, about the love of gardening that some bloggers I read share, the more I feel I am missing out on something...

  24. Such lovely photos of your garden, Alison, and I know exactly what you mean about the calming effects of gardening.

    I'm curious - do you have any type of automated watering system or do you water all of your plants by hand? We have watering system that is scheduled to go off twice a day in the warmer months which makes it a lot easier to keep up with. If we miss one day we lose plants!

  25. Your garden is so nice and sunny! I'm beginning to not like grass myself but for a different reason - some animals (skunk? raccoon?) are busily tearing it up at night. I used to love gardening but my back issues have prevented me actually doing it for the past few years. I'm hoping this summer I'll be able to.

  26. I always admire your garden Alison and it is looking particularly beautiful in those photos! So much colour! We have grass because of the children but it takes a lot to keep in any kind of decent order.

  27. What a great precious, your garden is lovely x

  28. I feel like I need to invite you over for a tutorial. "Gardening" for me lately mostly involves keeping the weeds at bay. There don't seem to be enough hours in the day to get around to something that is actually pretty--maybe in a year (or two or three) when I retire.

  29. What a beautiful garden. I love to grow edible plants. My garden would be all veggies! Artificial grass is becoming more popular over here. It costs too much to water it all summer long and I can't think of anyone who likes cutting the lawn! However I don't think I could switch to artificial as I don't like having to vacuum inside so why would I want to start having to vacuum the lawn!


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