Life in the Slow Lane: PERFECT TIMING!

Saturday 29 June 2013


Do come in out of the's 30 degrees(C) out there today, and unless you've brought your swimming cozzie it's far too hot to be out in it!

Your timing is perfect because I've just made a cup of (coolish) coffee for myself, and cut into the Apricot and Coconut loaf I've just made...I'd be glad of your opinion on it; it's the first time I've tried it and I'm not convinced!

It's not too bad actually, if you add a bit of seems to be a very Scottish thing, adding butter to all tea-breads...lots of people look at me as if I'm mad when I ask if they want butter..maybe you do too?

Why have I been baking on such a hot day?...good question! I have a glut of apricots this year and wanted to try something a bit different with them...usually I freeze them or stew them ...if you have any suggestions I'd be glad to hear them..there's still lots on the tree!...and I actually enjoyed being in the cool kitchen for a while...though scarpered once the oven had heated up!

How was my week?.....better than expected I think. If you read my blog earlier in the week, you probably realise it was the anniversary of Stuart's death. Craig was here for a few days though, which always helps me to cope better...we had a couple of nice meals out and generally just kept each other company.

I hope you'll tell me what's been going on in your own life...hopefully you'll be starting to think about getting away for a break over the summer (and I think if you've dropped in from the Southern Hemisphere, you may on school holidays just now?)

Before you go, I must just ask if you're taking part in JENNIFER'S class? I am so glad I signed up for it....even though I've only managed two layouts so far (though a third one IS in progress). Let me just quickly show you the second one before you go:

The prompt was about colour choices...I love orange and purple together in the garden, and thought the combo might work well with these pics from our Line Dancing Easter Themed night...what do you think?

What?...time to go already?!....this visit seems to pass so pop by again next month...I would definately bring that swimming cozzie, as I have no doubt the pool will be the only cool place by then!...Safe travels my friend...I know you have other places to pop by for a visit, thanks to ABI organizing our monthly get-togethers!

Hope you're having fun this weekend!

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. What a pretty layout! I love anything apricot. My husband's parents had apricot trees and we use to indulge in apricot heaven! We also put butter on our breads, makes them so much more tasty!

  2. Hello Alison! How nice to pop in for some tea today! I am so envious of your warm weather! The sun is shining here today though! That cake looks super. We put butter on tea bread too! I especially enjoy it on a spiced loaf my mum makes in the winter! Thanks for stopping by this month!

  3. That cake looks delicious, I'm beginning to wish I signed up for that class too.

  4. We put butter on tea bread here too, and also sometimes on banana loaf so I see no reason not to try some on your delicious apricot and coconut cake! In fact I feel sure that my husband would want me to ask for the recipe as he's a huge fan of fruit loaves and that flavour combination sounds great.
    It was lovely to share your sunshine too, thank you for inviting us round!

  5. A visit certainly slips past pretty quickly when you are with friends! I think maybe I'd be hoping for a slice to eat now and then a slice to take home with me too :)

  6. Tea bread and butter? absolutely! I love apricots and to have them straight from your tree would be a joy! thanks for tea Alison, I loved spending some time with you.

  7. I think it is always funt o find something different to do with fruit when you ahve heaps of it at hand. Loaf looks lovely. Your LO's are cute too love the colours. Thanks for the drink

  8. I would love to join you for a swim and a chat.

  9. Thank you for such a pleasant visit, Allison. The teabread looks amazing and I'm sure the butter made it that much better :-)! As for the remaining apricots, you might try adapting Ina Garten's recipe for raspberry crumble bars to use apricots instead (

  10. Great combos, I think. Coconut and apricot sounds yummy, and you'd see a big smile on my face as I added a little butter to boot. Your color combo is equally as good - that looks like quite a gathering of ladies in their bonnets.

  11. I love butter on teabread as well...that sounds like an interesting flavour.
    And I'm loving Jennifer's class.

  12. Coconut and apricot sound like an interesting combo. I would say "yes please" to the butter ... isn't that how you are supposed to serve tea cakes?????? My mom always did and I still do! I would love to take a bag of fresh apricots home with me if you don't mind, they are my absolute favourite fruit. Other than eating them fresh or drying them in a dehydrator I don't have any recipes for them as they have always been too expensive to have spare :) But I have a friend with a yummy recipe for jam if you feel up to that much heat!

  13. Oh how I wish I had homegrown apricots right now!!! It was a lovely visit and that cluster of orange and purple embellishment and flowers is gorgeous!

  14. Hi Alison! Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I love your photos of the moon! I envy you the sights you must have ... Not the really bad heat though Lol!
    Your loaf sounds delicious! If I were over that way (whereabouts are you?) I'd call in for a slice ... Stay cool and have a lovely evening ... nice to 'meet' you

  15. I'd be sure to test your cake....and would tell you it's delicious x

  16. I'm gradually catching up again... Its actually been lovely here this weekend - such a rarity! I wished for your pool I can tell you! I wonder if you can dry your apricots a bit in the sun and then use them in stews and tajines?

  17. i love butter on tea bread and similar too maybe because I am half Scottish!! I have taken Jennifers class but only read the first weeks prompts and made one LO so far but I will catch up when i have a chance as there are so many great ideas.

  18. Well, I think the butter is a nice treat. I just got from a week at the beach with the family. Very nice bit glad to be home. Off to work tomorrow.

  19. That is a great layout. I'm another one who likes a bit of butter :) x

  20. Now there is a pretty page and the colours are a great foil for each other. I like a bit of butter on tea bread too - isn't that what bread is for? Thinking of you at the time ...

  21. Doug always adds butter to "tea breads" even though I scoff and tell him it's not needed. So glad your hubby was around for you last week! xo

  22. What a pretty page. I'm happy to hear you're week was better than you thought it would be and that Craig was there. Ohhh butter - that's the one thing I really miss about being lactose intolerant, somehow margarine just doesn't cut it. It was so nice enjoying the visit with you.


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