Life in the Slow Lane: HELLO PRECIOUS!

Tuesday 3 September 2013


As I was driving home from the airport last night, I remembered that I had forgotten (if you get my drift!) about STORYTELLING SUNDAY over at SIAN'S PLACE. For the uninitiated, SIAN hosts a forum, once a month, for a group of Bloggers(and YOU, if you feel so inclined) to share a story...long, short, happy or sad: we love them all!

This year she has suggested the theme to be 'PICK YOUR PRECIOUS'.....initially the idea was to write  about those little things that mean a lot to us....but  many of us have veered off course a little fair bit to write about somewhat larger things- and even people who are precious to us....and has Sian been at all upset with us?...not a bit!...Sian welcomes all  stories with open arms!

As I mentioned earlier, I arrived home last night after having spent a couple of days with mum and dad (dad has managed to stay out of hospital for about two months) and then heading to the NE of England to help Kirsty move to a new apartment.

It occurred to me as I drove through the gate, that THIS is my precious for this month:

.....HOME! ...and I don't JUST mean the bricks and mortar that is our this time in my life, this just happens to BE home. I mean the having somewhere you look forward to returning to, where you can relax and be comfortable...where everything around you is YOURS,  and when you walk in the door you sigh with relief and think 'I'M HOME'! Even though I arrived back to just being me here again (well me and Boo)...there is still a sense of family in our home and I will never tire of the 'COMING HOME' feeling!

I'm hoping to catch up with a few SS stories during the course of the week....why not pop  over to SIAN'S and check some out yourself?

Thanks for dropping by!
Take care of you
Alison xx


  1. Glad you are home safely Alison. Nothing like coming home is there?

  2. Home definitely is a precious place to be!

  3. And what a lovely precious it is! You are very blessed. I'm glad your father is staying well. Have a safe trip to help your daughter.

  4. It's so true, home is very precious. I'm glad to hear your dad has managed to stay out of hospital x

  5. I couldn't agree more, home is so special. I'm so pleased to hear your dad has managed to stay out of hospital (touch wood) that continues x

  6. Oh home is so precious. I know from moving a lot that it is definitely more than just bricks and mortar. So glad to hear the news about your dad.

  7. So very true, Alison. A great "precious" that many of us overlook but you have summarized so well. Welcome home, now come to Arizona! ;o)

  8. great description of 'home', hope you have some time to relax there this month

  9. A great precious, and how great to see more of your lovely home in the sun x

  10. Wonderful! I bet YOU make that home a very welcoming place for everyone else coming to visit too. .. to admit I'm kind of chuffed at the thought of you thinking of me as you came home from the airport :) Thanks Alison. I hope you are well settled in again now.

  11. I so agree with you and you have a beautiful home.

  12. I also forgot about Storytelling Sunday - I thought it was next weekend!

  13. I completely agree with you (except for the part of me that knows that the house I live in is not my home, it's where I live, but I won't bore you with the details!!).
    Welcome home.

  14. home is where the heart is as they say xxx

  15. Thanks for sharing, Alison. Home is a precious place!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

    Garden of Grace

  16. That's such a lovely choice - I think sometimes it's easy to overlook things like home until you get that feeling. I loved reading this :D

  17. A great choice for your precious! I agree, home is where you return to and can relax!

  18. I agree Alison... It's always nice to be home x

  19. An excellent choice for your precious, I quite agree with you x

  20. As Dorothy said (in the Wizard of Oz), there's no place like home...and I wish you all the refreshment and sustainment "home" means.

  21. I think a lot of people never feel like that about anywhere even though that is where they live. I love to be at home and I love the feeling of coming home after being away and just being with my own stuff on my own terms. I totally get your precious :-)

  22. Great choice and I totally know the feeling you are describing. As much as I love to travel, I do love coming home.


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